part 7

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Jk : jin hyng he-he
He stuttered
Jin : shh I know bubba give him to me and you go get ready u have to go fro training
He said while taking already half fainted taehyung in his arms
Jk : no hhyun I m not leaving him alone in this condition
He immediately Denied what his hyung said
Jin : bubba u know appa , do u want some beating from appa as well please go he is already so angry
Jk : o-k hyung
He finally convinced and saying this he left , Jin went downstairs in his room with tae
Jin : my baby
He finally let out a sob
Wait lemme treat him first
Saying this he started treating tae who was hissing time to time
Jin : done , get well soon my baby 🐥
He left a sigh , then he went to check Jungkook in his room , leaving sleeping tae behind
Jk : hyung what I m changing my clothes
Jin : yaaah u brat I have seen every part of your body I used to change your diaper when you used to po-
Jk : hyunggggggggggggggieeeeeee~~~'
Jin: fine I m leaving but I want you downstairs in 5 mins
Jk : ne hyungnim~
He saw Jin leaving
Ahh why he has to bring my childhood everytime I was a kid back then , how could I poop by myself
Jin : u have 3 mins left
He shouted from downstairs
Jk : yes hyung coming
He hurriedly changed his clothes and went downstairs

That's it for today
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