part 8

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Time skip
Jk : Jin hyung I am ready
He said while coming downstairs
Jin : hm u r looking handsome but no matter how much handsome u look , you can beat me you naughty boyyy
He said this while praising himself
Now let's go or else we will be late , joonie , hobi and yoongi has already left let's go fast
He said in hurry knowing the consequences of getting late
Ahh shit kook can u go and grab the car keys asap
Jk ; ne hyung coming
He ran upstairs and in just seconds he was downstairs
Jin : yaaah are you a flash or something nevermind let's go
His mind was only there thinking about the consequences , he checked time and realized that he fuc**** up
They already has reached training camp
But Jungkook noticed something that his Jin hyung was not in his usual form
Jk: Jin hyung is something wrong ?
He asked in worry
Jin : ah no no
He said this in manner to calm his dongsaeng
Jungkook pov :
:- Jungkook was observing the place it was a huge ass group he has ever in his entire life
But the suspicious thing was everyone here was so buffed and they we're training only , and the amount of bodyguards were crazy but something caught his attention, a bunker which was slightly opened he peeked through and saw all mafia related things but
he chose to stay silent
End of the pov
Jin: Jungkook I gotta go you stay here I will call sehun for you ok just stand here until he comes don't go anywhere
Saying this he  left to a huge building
Jk : should I go inside or not ?
He asked himself cuz the door of bunker was still opened , he sighed and taught the leader is his appa only no one can anything to him
With this thought he went in the bunker amazeddd looking at the crazy amount of illegal things
Jk ; woah can I take one gun fr-
He said this in a low voice but his words were cutted by the unknown hand which was placed in his shoulder ,he turned around and saw a unfamiliar face
?? : what are you doing here kid do u wanna die on your first day only
He said in a strict tone scaring the shit outta Jungkook
Jk: who even are you to order me don't u know who am I
He tried to be bold cuz he can't let his ego go down duh ( I would do the same )
?? : feisty I see kiddo for your kind information myself sehun your trainer and yeah I myself will ask who you are
He said this while smirking tbh he was pissed by Jungkook's reply
Jungkook's Pov
Oh shit I m doomed sehun hyung and I m damn sure he will tell this to appa ahaaaaaa
You pabo Jungkook why did u do that you need to do something
Jk : ahh sehun hyung I thought it was some outsider I was trying to trying to scare away the outsider didn't I did good job
He said while pressing his lips together and wingling his eyes lashes
Sehun ; yeah yeah u did a good job mr.jeon
He himself couldn't stop chuckling after listening Jungkook excuse
You are smart 😉
Let's go I will show you around
Jk : ne hyung

Hii guys how are you I hope you are fine
I missed you
And happy belated Ramadan

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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