Just A Normal Day In Paradise

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Third Person POV.

"Tobi! Be careful you're going to knock that ov-" Kisame screamed, but it was too late. The vase the clumsy man had ran into fell to the ground with a large thud, shattering along the ground.

"Now look what you did!" Deidara screamed, and Tobi pouted from under his orange mask.

"Tobi didn't mean to! Tobi is a good boy, stop yelling at him!" He yelled at Deidara, and Deidara began to scream even more. Kisame and Itachi watched from the couch, before looking over at each other with a knowing look.

"One." Kisame said.

"Two." Itachi replied.

"Three." They both said, and if on cue a girl with long brown hair came trotting down the hallway, her hair sticking out in multiple directions, wearing only a very long shirt and a pair of shorts. She had red marks on her face, and a scar along her left cheek. She had a dangerous look in her eyes as she looked at Deidara and Tobi.

"Why the fucking fuck are you guys screaming your heads off at eight thirty in the goddamn morning?!" The fifteen year old screamed, looking up at the two men who were a lot taller than her. She stood roughly 5'1 on a good day.

"U-uh.. Deidara-Sempai started it! Tobi is a good boy, don't hit tobi's head today!" Tobi exclaimed, pointing his finger at Deidara, who was looking at Tobi with an opened mouth.

"You little liar! I outta-" He shouted, and went to lunge at Tobi, but was stopped by the girl with the waist long hair.

"It is eight in the morning. I was woken up again. Do you really want to fight and scream with Tobi when I am obviously the more dangerous of us two?" She said coldly, and Deidara sighed heavily, before hanging his head in defeat.

"No, Kruno. I'm sorry, yeah." He muttered, and Kruno used her hand to smack him up side the head, and this caused Kisame to burst out laughing. Deidara had anime tears running down his face, but Kruno just rolled her eyes and groggily made her way into the kitchen to make herself coffee.

"Shouldn't you have more clothes on that that, you fucking slut?" Hidan asked, and Kruno flipped him the finger as she stirred her coffee.

"Shouldn't you have a shirt on you dick sucker?" She said, turning around and taking a drink of her coffee, holding the cup with both hands as the Jashinist looked at her with an evil scowl. They held the glare at each other, before bursting out laughing. Kruno placed her cup of coffee down in a the sink, before walking out into the living room of the housing unit they lived in.

"Kisame!" She shouted, and the blue tinted man looked at the teenager.

"What, Kruno?" He asked, and she smiled.

"Will you please train with me today?" She said sweetly, batting her eyelashes at the overgrown shark. He rolled his eyes slightly, but stood up.

"I'll give you ten minutes to get ready." He said, and the teenager took off down the hallway and into her room. She pulled a tank top like shirt on over her fishnet shirt. She slid on her ninja shoes, after she changed into a pair of black tights. She tied her long hair up into a high pony tail, throwing her sword over her shoulder, before running out to Kisame who was staring at the clock on the wall.

"Three minutes, new record, brat." He said, and she beamed a smile at him, before he walked out of the door, and she bounced out after her.

They arrived at a training ground that was near the base they were at, and Kisame turned to Kruno. "What are we going to practice today, Kisame?" She asked, and he smirked as he pulled his large sword off of his back. Kruno quickly pulled her much smaller sword off of her back as well. At the same time, they took a very similar stance. Kisame nodded at the girl, who gave him the same mocking grin that she had for the past nine years he had known her. Kruno made the first move by quickly moving until she was right in front of Kisame, and using her fist to push him up in the air slightly. Thus began to the two hour training session that would unfold.

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