28 - Friends

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Will sat at the table in Lana's cottage. Liam and JP ran through the house while Charlotte played in the corner with her dolls.

"Mom! We wanna swim."

"Soon. Uncle Will and I are finishing lunch."

They weren't still eating, but Lana pelted him with questions. Rumors were running rampant around The Point about him and Kat.

"There is nothing going on with me and Kat."

"I hope not since she hates you."

Will laughed. "One minute you accuse us of something, then you say she hates me."

"Not you-you, but you." She looked around, then whispered, "The invisaboss."

"She shouldn't. He's given in to almost all her requests."

"I'm looking forward to Saturday night. Ryan wants to have dinner before I sing, but I can't sing on a full stomach."

"Have one of the new salads."

"What's on the menu?"

Will rolled his eyes. "Do you think she shared with her boss?"

Lana laughed. "No, but she would share with the cute football guy who hangs out all the time." Lana reached over and pinched his cheek.


"Stop. I didn't hurt you. For the record, I like her a lot more than Hailey."

Hearing her name put a frown on his face. He could easily see what she was up to, because she posted everything including her breakfast.

"Don't start. I'm leaving in three weeks."

"Are you swimming?"

"Yeah. Why not."

Will went into the bathroom to change. He thought of inviting Kat to swim. It meant nothing if he was curious to see her in a bikini, except he wasn't dead. With his flaw of falling in love with the wrong women, he needed to keep himself in the friend zone.

Will jumped in the pool splashing water over the edge. Liam said, "Daddy will put cold water in if you do that again."

"I'll be good."

"Uncle Will, throw me." Charlotte climbed up his body. She was heavier than a football, but light for a person.

The boys swam around while Lana sat on the deck. Will asked, "Is anyone else coming over?"

Lana shook her head. "Jack's in Boston overnight. We have JP, and Megan is watching Emma until Rory gets home. It's Maddie's late night."

"Everyone is busy working."

"That's what happens in adulthood."

Will laughed. "What's your excuse?"

"What's yours? I'll work on Saturday."

"I haven't seen Rory much during the week with Sam away."

"She's busy. Don't worry about them."

"I'm not. Maybe that's why I'm hanging around The Landing. I miss my friends."

"They'll be missing you. We all will. Right, Char?"

Charlotte clung to Will's back as he stood by the deck talking. "Swim under water."

Will swam like a dolphin. Charlotte held on to him. He told her when to hold her breath. The afternoon wore on and Ryan appeared and got in the pool.

"Your fingers and toes must be shriveled."

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