50 - Team

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Will had made a mess of things. He pounded his fist on the control panel of the treadmill. He hated running on the stupid machines but he didn't feel welcome at The Point, not after lying to everyone.

His phone had been quiet. Nick had texted him which was nice of the kid, and Sam had offered to come over. Of course, Lana called to tell him she told him so and to demand he come visit for the weekend.

"The kids will cheer you up."

"I'm only agreeing because I need Ryan to throw the ball to me."

"Good. I promise to be nice even if it is all your fault."

Will couldn't argue with her. He had kept an enormous secret from Kat, even when he knew a secret ruined her last relationship.

He tried calling Kat and texting her, but she wouldn't respond. What he really wanted was to start over with two cups of coffee and talk it out. Maybe a bottle of tequila would work better.

He slowed his pace when Kerry called him. Did she know she blew his cover? "What's up?"

"They want to get you in studio sooner than we hoped."

He needed to do a spot for a tire company. It was good money, almost as much as Kat's ovens. "Okay, next week?"

"I'll check with them and get back."

"Um, Kerry, have you talked to Kat recently?"

"Nope, you haven't pissed her off lately."

"That's where you're wrong. I've royally pissed her off. She knows it's me."

"Serves you right. She liked you."

"She told you?"

"Talked about her guy all the time."

"Make an appointment with the attorney, I need a new contract."

"What do you want from her this time?"

"To stay. I want her to stay."

"Oh no, you've got it worse than you had it before."

He stepped off the treadmill and wiped his sweat with the towel around his neck. "I'm flying to Virginia for the weekend. See if the guy's free before then. Let me know if I'm flying to Buffalo from Dulles."

"Right, boss."

He looked at his phone, willing a text to pop up. With a long sigh, he went to the showers.

The days felt longer than twenty-four hours. He worked out more than usual, but there were still hours to fill. He texted Sam. Free for lunch?

To get depressed? I owe you. TL.

Are you serious? Will could step foot in there.

Rumors are going round you're dead.


No, but you're in hiding.

He took a deep breath. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't stay away forever.


On his way home, he stopped to buy a bottle. He sat in his truck trying to get the courage to walk in. A knock on his window startled him.

"Come on, chicken. Time to face the music."

Slowly he stepped down from his truck. Sam pointed. "What's this? Too sad to shave?"

"No point." It had only been growing a couple days. He often grew one during the coldest months of the season. It was still cool in Maine, but he might regret it in Virginia. Hailey hated his beard.

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