43 - Break

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Nick had been counting the days and minutes until spring break. Since their breakup, Trinity had been flaunting her new boyfriend. Let the frat boy have her. He could keep her from being stupid in Fort Lauderdale. Nick wanted to catch up on sleep, see his friends and family, and make some money.

Sophie was already home from Boston and planned to pick him up at the Jetport. Nick felt an enormous relief when he stepped off the plane. Maine. Home.

Sophie ran across the pavement to embrace him. He caught her and they hugged. "I missed you." He closed his eyes. Their bond was beyond normal siblings.

"Me too, Nicky. We're almost done."

He smiled at the thought of coming back home for good. Sophie let go and turned towards the car. Nick saw her leaning against the car.

"Hey, Ivy. This is a surprise."

"Hi, Nick." She reached out to hug him.

Even with a half hug, it didn't feel the same as when he hugged Sophie. Her smile lit up her beautiful face. He cleared his throat. "How's your semester?"

"Good. How's sunny Florida?"

"Not as nice as cold Maine."

"Nicky, why did you go to Florida if you hate it so much?"

Only Sophie would ask the same question he had asked himself a million times. "You know I thought I wanted a warm climate." The grass is greener scenario. The minute a person crossed the street they saw their neighbor's lawn had weeds and thin patches. Nick didn't grow weary of being away until he was there for two years. "I'll be complaining about the snow next winter when I'm driving to classes in Portland."

"Did you get in?" Ivy asked from the back seat.

"Of course he did. He's extremely smart."

His womb mate and his fan club member, Abbie too.

"You'll do amazing!"

Ivy too. Nick smiled. "What's Ben up to?"

"Keira. They're inseparable. He wants to move out."

Nick could guess why. Sophie didn't hold back. "Will Keira move in with him?"

"I'm not sure. She doesn't think her father will be happy."

Nick gritted his teeth. "The guy who exposed her to the jerk."

Sophia had a different reaction. "Typical double standard. Cole and Anna lived together in Orono." Keira's brother lived with his girlfriend while they were away at college.

"They are married and having a baby, so it doesn't matter."

Sophie was like a dog with a bone. "Admit it Ivy, your dad would freak if you moved in with your boyfriend."

"Luca?" Nick asked.

"No." Ivy shook her head.

"Yeah, Luca. Hey, Nicky, what would you think if Ivy lived with Luca."

Nick made a fist. "Since they are both in school, there is no point."

"I'm not moving in with Luca. I'm not even dating him. But everyone is talking about Kat and Will, although she denies it."

Relief washed over Nick. Ivy deserved a guy better than Luca. "Does Will deny it?"

Ivy laughed. "No. He smiles. A lot."

"If I was as cool and successful as him, I'd be happy all the time."

Sophie laughed. "Ew, Nicky has a man-crush."

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