31 - Just friends

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Will skipped stopping at The Landing after his run, since he needed to cut down on caffeine too. His phone chimed with the cookie announcement. They looked great, but he needed to keep to his plan. It would be easier to see the announcements when he was in Buffalo.

Rubbing his eyes, he looked away from his laptop. He compared the net sales of Kat's new menu items to the net sales for the previous year. Numbers were swimming in his brain. All the while, he kept waiting for Kat's request to build the kitchen first. With his investment cap on, he wasn't her friend. He felt like a dual personality.

Frustrated, he paid Rick a visit to see what he thought.

If he felt in over his head, how would he feel when he started training? Maybe being away would make it easier. It was like he experienced everything twice. When Kat talked to him and when she emailed.

A knock on his door had him out of his seat. No one visited him. Alex was on the other side of the door.

"What's up?"

Alex stepped in and he closed the door. "I can't stay long. Kat cornered me about pushing through the kitchen."

He nodded. "She mentioned it."

Alex chuckled. "Here's the thing. I plan to install the half walls and glass after hours, but it would be good if you closed at seven. After Labor Day, it's a no brainer."

"In the summer, we'd lose some business. She could make the dessert available at five. People would order dinner earlier."

Alex shrugged. "That's up to you. Do you want fewer tables during the summer?"

Will sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He needed a cut. "I was going to see if Rick had any insight tomorrow."

"Speaking of chairs. Jen wants to know if you ordered the table and chairs for the porch?"

"Nope. Can she find a few choices for me? I feel like I bit off more than I intended to."

"After the construction piece, you need to let Kat manage it. Don't worry we'll let you know if she goes rogue. What's the worst thing she could do?"

"Get a fancy Latte machine."

"We'd call you, plus she doesn't have space for it."

"I guess you're right."

"If it gets to be too much, you could sell it. As a bakery and restaurant it will be worth more."

"I made a promise to keep The Landing."

"So you'll let me know." Alex walked to the door.

"As soon as I know."

"I'll get Jen on the other stuff."

"Thanks Alex."

He nodded. "I love it too."

Will shut the door. Alex was part of a Point fairytale about the contractor who made friends with the older coffee and sandwich guru. When the guru's daughter came home, she butted heads with the contractor, until love prevailed. So many people fell in love when they least expected it. Ryan. Jack was in mourning. Even Will never expected to fall for Hailey. Now he knew better. He was a man of extremes. All or nothing. That was why his friendship with Kat was unique. He flipped on the TV, since he couldn't solve it until morning.

Will hit the gym early and stopped by for a decaf coffee before heading to Rick's. When he finally made it to the counter, Martha smiled. "Look what the cat dragged in. Specialty muffin? They're almost gone."

"It's only eight."

She laughed. "There was a line outside before we opened."

Unbelievable. "No muffin. Just decaf."

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