32 - Happiness

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Kat's parents were finally coming to visit. With a bounce in her step, she went down the stairs from her apartment. She had ordered a mattress and bought a cheap frame so her guests would have a place to sleep. The tiny second bedroom had little room after she set up the bed.

Plastic sheets blocked off her baking area, but she ducked under to look. The ovens had arrived, but they were waiting on the electrician. Alex kept saying any day. With help from a friend in Boston, The Landing Investment Group bought her old commercial mixer and other baking equipment through the liquidation sale. Her father was bringing them in his pickup truck.

They had put off visiting in July, because a rainy weekend had been forecasted. Sunshine was expected all weekend, and she had a special menu planned for Saturday night coffeehouse. Salmon with a tangy blueberry sauce. She enjoyed including in-season Maine crops. In September, she would include corn, October was for potatoes, but also for pumpkin muffins. The ideas were limitless.

When she stepped out, she looked around. Nick was at the grill, but there were no customers, just the constant pop of the nail gun outside. The porch was also taking shape. Alex and Jen were amazing. Everything had been ordered and was ready to go.

Her phone rang. It wasn't her parents. "Hello."

"Hi Kat, this is Kerry. I'm calling to see if the equipment arrived."

"Not yet. It's on its way."

"Be sure to send through the list of any additional equipment you need."

This wasn't a new request, but she was weighing her must haves with her wants. Kerry had been much better to deal with than the black-hole email. Once construction started even the man decided she needed a contact at the investment group. Unfortunately, Kerry wasn't willing to share anything personal. She could be calling from the moon for all Kat knew.

It disappointed Nick that he hadn't solved the mystery, and he was almost out of time. When she slipped her phone in her pocket, Nick looked up. "You should have asked her the weather."

Kat laughed. "How would that help? It's summer and hot everywhere."

"We'll never find out. Did you watch the game last night?"

She nodded. "For a few minutes." Maybe more.

"Will made a great catch."

Kat had sat in front of the TV but not to follow the game, she wanted to get glimpses of Will. Since he left, she missed not having a friend. It wouldn't be right to call him to complain about her ups and downs with the man. Luckily, there were more ups or would be when the construction was complete.

It took time before she lost the urge to ask Martha if Will had stopped in, so seeing him run across the sceen left her in awe and lonely at the same time. "I understand baseball better than football."

Nick chuckled. "Next week I can explain it to you."

"Next week, you'll be packing to leave too."

Ivy, who had been cutting salad vegetables, turned to look at Nick. She and Luca hung out, but her long face told a different story. Kat was no expert in relationships, so she didn't try to figure it out.

"You too, Ivy. I'll miss you both." Luckily the hours dropped back after Labor Day. Although if her plans worked, the business wouldn't slow as expected.

The bell rang, and Kat sprang forward to greet her parents. After a hug, her mother said, "Let me look at you."

"Me first." Seth Cousins moved towards his daughter. As he enveloped her, she closed her eyes and relaxed in his comforting arms. The scent of home swirled around her.

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