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Max and Thomas stuck to the shadows as they made their way down the levels of the castle. It was oddly quiet, with no sign of any demons or their grandfather. Max didn't like it. "Something's wrong."

"Maybe all the demons are outside?" Thomas suggested.

"You've heard the stories. Asmodeus is smarter than that." Max said. "We'll probably run into a whole horde trying to break Papa out."

Max quickly prayed he'd kept his mouth shut. As soon as the two boys reached the doors to the prison, a horde of demons stood there waiting for them. Thomas quickly ducked out of the way, slashing at any demons that came too close with his Seraph Blade, while Max took out the ones farther away. After about twenty minutes, all demons lay dead at their feet, and the brothers made their way through the maze of cells. Magnus was in one of the farthest cells, on his knees, wrists chained to the wall. Magic suppression cuffs. Max gave a little shudder when he recognized the designs on the medal. Having those on made him feel empty like a big chunk of his soul was missing.

Magnus looked up when he heard Thomas kick the cell door in. The warlock looked absolutely exhausted, no physical harm had been done, but by the way, Magnus shook his head and pulled away from the approaching boys, mental harm was definitely there. "You're not real, just another illusion!"

"It's us, Papa!" Max got to his knees and assured the man while Thomas undid the cuffs. "We're here to get you out."

Magnus searched the other warlock's eyes before flicking his gaze to Thomas as his wrists dropped from the cuffs. After another second, Magnus was hugging his sons as tight as he could. He still felt weak, like he was missing something. It would take a couple of minutes for the effects of the cuffs to wear off. "Why are you here by yourself? Where's your father, brother, and sister?"

"They're outside, with practically all the Shadowhunters and Downworlders alive," Thomas explained. "We snuck off to get you."

"Oh thank your father's angel, but don't you two ever run off into a dangerous situation again!" Magnus said and stood up. "Now let's go. I know this castle better than anyone, even after all these years. I can get us out of here quicker."

As the three males ran through secret passages and to the outside of the castle, Magnus could feel his power coming back and smiled. As Magnus rushed onto the battlefield, Max and Thomas behind him, all three had to duck as a large ball of fire flew above their heads and hit the castle behind them. As the Warlock and his sons continued to run forward, they were surrounded by Shadowhunters and Downworlders taking down demons. All over the battlefield were warlocks with their marks proudly standing unglamoured as all their magic went toward the fight. In the middle of all the chaos stood Alec, Rafael, and Natalia. Alec and Rafael had switched from their bows to Seraph Blades to deal with the close quarters. Once Alec realized his husband was free, he fought harder, trying to give the three newcomers an opening to join them.



The two men embraced each other tightly while their four children fought around them.

"Nice to see you too Papa, but we're kind of in the middle of a battle?!" Rafael called over the chaos.

"I know." Magnus rolled his eyes before he and Alec rejoined the fight.

"Max, want to try the thing?" Natalia asked.

"Sure! Thomas, Rafe, cover us!" the blue-skinned boy responded, joining his twin cat-tailed sister in the middle of the family. Once their brothers had taken their positions, the warlocks joined hands. Green and purple light swirled around the two children as they were lifted up into the air, a beam of light erupted from where their hands were joined and hit all demons within a 20-yard radius. When the siblings came back down to the ground, the battle was finishing up as the last of the demons were disposed of.

"When did you learn how to do that?" Alec asked.

Natalia shrugged. "Read something about combining power in one of Papa's books."

Magnus quickly pulled his family into a group hug, before pulling back. "We need to leave now."

"No," Rafael said stubbornly. "I'm done letting Asmodeus try to tear apart your relationship."

"Rafe," Magnus started before Max interrupted him.

"He's got a point." the warlock shrugged. "I have no problem killing a grandfather I never knew."

Alec and Magnus looked at their youngest two children who made signs of agreement. Magnus sighed with a laugh. "I've wanted to kill him for a long time anyway."

"Then let's get this over with." Alec smiled and kissed his husband's temple.

"Yes. Let's."

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