6: Effort and Edify

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(Edify: "to help someone understand")

"I don't know how to say this," says Thomas.

"That's okay," replies Newt.

"Just start when you're ready," adds Minho, smiling reassuringly.

"I've been getting back some memories..." starts Thomas, his eyes avoiding the others. He feels like it's something he should've shared as soon as he realized it. "They're not really nice memories... I remember who used to be me and the things he did, I remember what happened to him and I remember his friends. I'm not really sure if I should talk about him as 'I', because I've built this new identity, a new me, as Thomas. It's been difficult for me. But that's not really the problem."

Thomas wonders if he should just continue.

"You might not believe me if I tell you," says Thomas. "I'm not sure I would believe me."

"Don't worry about that, Tom," says Teresa. "We trust you."

Hesitantly, Thomas continues: "I used to be called Stiles," He ponders on how much he should tell them for them to understand, he tries to laugh to lighten the mood a little but his laugh doesn't really come out as one. "I used to live in Beacon Hills. My mom had died when I was younger so I lived with my dad. Once upon a time, there had been a murder in Beacon Hills. Only half the body had been found, so, for some reason, I went to Scott to look for it, together. Scott used to be my best friend. He didn't really want to go looking for a dead body, but I convinced him somehow. In the woods that night, a creature found us. It bit Scott.

"Long story short: Scott turned into a werewolf. A lot of things happened. Everyone in my friend group was either part of the supernatural or a hunter. I wasn't, though, until at one point, I got possessed by an evil spirit. It made me hurt Scott. He... it... we... I...? killed one of my friends. She happened to be the love of Scott's life. A really amazing person."

He looks into the eyes of his friends expecting to see disgust, disappointment, and anything negative. Instead, he finds them looking at him with only love, caring, sympathy, and understanding. Just the sight of it almost makes Thomas burst into tears again. He's really lucky to have them, he thinks once again. And in return they got me. A burden bringing trouble. Before his friends were able to do any kind of comforting, he continued talking.

"The nogitsune feeds on pain, strife, and chaos. It feeds off guilt and sorrow. I thought we locked it up, pulled me out of its grip." He stops talking to take a deep breath. "It's back, guys. It's here and it'll burn down everything, and make everyone suffer terribly if we don't stop it. I've gone through every single solution and was left with only one."

The words make goosebumps spread over their bodies. So this is what's been happening?

"How did you manage to get rid of it the last time?" asks Gally, carefully.

"I'm not sure," says Thomas, making him feel even worse about himself. "I do know it's not possible to do again without them."

"So we find them," says Gally. "They're supernatural, right? At least some of them must still be alive, or anyone. Maybe there are books with information about this somewhere..."

"Yeah...I guess they could still be alive. I'm not sure, though. WCKD has killed a lot of people and attacks have happened, too."

"It might be worth a shot, though, right?" asks Fry, hopefully.

"The world is big. It might take a while."

"We will fix this, Tommy," says Newt, looking straight into his boy's eyes.

"What if we can't?"

His question was left unanswered.

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