Chapter 14 : Selfish

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Loud crys of a man was all that could be heard. The same man was yelling a few seconds ago was now crying in pain. "Stop it !" He cried loudly but the men paid no attention and continued their torture. None of them felt bad for him. Why would they when he goes around molesting women and blackmails them. "Wh-y are-are you-u doing-g this-s ?" The man yelled loudly looking at the man who sat comfortably infront of him. Getting a stop sign from him the men stopped torturing the crying man.

He walked towards him making the man glare at him. "Who are you !! Why are you doing this to me !!" The man yelled at his face but he gave him a blank face. "I am your worst nightmare. You ask why is this happening to you as if you didn't go around harassing womens." "I DID NOTHING TO YOU !" The man cried loudly getting a scoff from him. "You touched my woman." He stated pressing the knife on his thigh at the same place the man gave the wound to his girl.

"You hurted her, because of you I saw tears in her eyes." He said and slashed his jaw at the same place the man hurted her. "No one messes with Kim Taehyung and lives." Taehyung glared at him as the man cried more because of the pain. "I-I am- I am sorr-y ple-ease leave-e me." "Leave you." He scoffed squatting to his level. "I killed the girl who humiliated her, I killed the man who tried to touch her, I killed the man who tried to flirt with her and you think I am going to leave you." A smirk grew on his face as he proudly told him about the people he killed.

Not even his hyungs know that he killed them except for the girl. He killed a guy who tried to touch her with the excuse of crowd. He killed the man at the library who tried to flirt with her at the library. If his hyungs knew about his plans they would have never let it happen. The only time they allowed him to kill was when it was necessary but they don't think that it was necessary of him to kill that girl who humiliated her infront of everyone then how would have they allowed him to kill some man who dared to touch what's his.

She belongs to him and anyone who dares to change that would die the most painful death known to the history. He draw a long cut on his wrist which was already scratched due to the steel chains. Being satisfied with his work, he signalled his men to continue the toture while walking out of the room. Again the loud cries of the man filled the secret basement. "Boss" One of his men came towards him bowing in respect. "Are they here ?" The man nodded showing him a different way.

The men stood there terrified of what's coming for them. They failed to do their job. He walked towards them, sitting on the chair infront of them while they stood in nervousness. Taking out his gun he played with it. "What was your job ?" He asked not paying no attention to them. "Bos-s" One of the men stuttered. He finally stopped looking at his gun and looked at them. "I don't like to repeat myself." He whispered loud enough for them to hear. "To- to spy-y on Ma'am and-and info-orm you every-everything."

"And you all failed." He muttered and a dead silence took place. All of them feel to their knees begging him for forgiveness. "Get out before I kill you all." He spoke and all of them ran away for their life. "Boss what to do with them ?" "Fire them and hire new people and if they fail to do their jobs then I'll have your head." The man gulped nodding. Taehyung sighed and stood up from his seat. He was angry at himself the most. He failed to protect her.

Even after reaching home it was hard for him to enter. The guilt of failing to protect her was eating him up. He stood at the doorstep for a few minutes before it was opened by Jin. Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but finding no words he remained quiet. "Come in" Jin muttered caressing his back. He nodded and stepped inside. "Y/n ?" He ask roaming his eyes around the living room. "In her room." He nodded and started moving towards her room.

He knocked twice but getting no response from her

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He knocked twice but getting no response from her. He entered inside while trying to find her. The sobs of a girl was heard and it was no doubt of hers. Finally he found her laying on the bed without saying anything he went to sit near her. She laid her head on his lap and continued sobbing. No words were passed between them. Taking her hands in her, he gently caressed them then held her cheeks. Bringing them to his face, he caressed her cheeks wiping out those tears.

Taehyung never despised anything as much as her tears. He never thought he would hate someone crying so much. It pained him physically. He hated seeing his hyungs crying but it didn't pained his heart. It was almost as he could feel the ache in his heart. "I took care of that motherfucker, don't waste your precious tears on him." She shook her head in a no. "I am not crying because of him." Her voice came hoarse due to crying so much. "Then" "I am crying because of you." She mumbled hugging him.

He frowned in confusion and hugged her back. "What did I do ?" He ask whispering near her ears while caressing her head. "Why are so good to me ? why do make me feel loved ? Why ? why just why. I don't deserve this. I am just a selfish human who is using you. Even you can't deny that because- because it's true. I became so dependent on you. I don't think twice before buying something I want. I don't stress about my future anymore. I don't feel lonely- I- I don't cry alone anymore. I-I- I am- I don't deserve all the love and care-" Not being able to complete her sentence she burst out crying.

"When- when I h-hear them-m saying saying that I am gold digger or-or- or I am whoring around or I found a-a su-ugar daddy or that I am using I am using someone for money I-I try to ignore them I swear I do but-but It hurts so much. It hurts more because that's true I am using you." He backed out from the hug and held her face. "That's not true. You deserve all the love and care. You deserve the world Y/n. You say you are using me but I am not a saint too. I offered you to marry me when you couldn't deny when you were in your most vulnerable state. And about being slefish-"

"You are selfish because you put yourself first cause you know no one is going to that for you."

I read that sentence on an Insta post and that stuck with me forever. It hurts because I could relate to it. *sighs*

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