Chapter Two

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            My back was pressed the hot cement of my driveway. My friend Demarko was slamming the basketball onto the ground beside me. Sweat was plastered on my skin. Man, it felt good to sweat. It gave me a reason to take off my shirt.

            "I'm goin' to get some water. Want anything?" Demarko got up and stretched his arms. He was smaller than me. He was mixed and had light brown eyes. We've been best friends since birth.

            "Nah, I'm good."

            "'Ight." He jogged into the house.

            I sat up, my hands holding me up. Across the street, I saw Jenny come out of her house, car keys in hand. I watched her. Her long brown hair curled up to her elbow. She brushed her hair back and her eyes locked on mine. I smirked and waved at her. There goes the net.

            I saw the hint of pink go across her cheeks. Caught her. I got up and started going toward her. I leaned against her red bug and smiled gorgeously.

            She kissed me breathlessly and smiled.

Eliot's POV

            I stumbled into the kitchen with Jackie following my every step. Damn, I can't hide from this girl. I've been here for four hours and she already told me I was her idol. Right under Hannah Montana. How pathetic that I'm even on the same list with freaking Hannah Montana. I sat down on the stool and grabbed an apple off the bowl in the middle of the table.

            Jackie sat down beside me. She poked my thigh and muttered, "Your leg is fatty."

            "It's called cellulite, kid."

            "Cell-oh-light?" She asked me, confused.

            Poke. Poke.... Poke... poookkkkeee.... OMFG, this girl was annoying the crap out of me. No wonder her brother couldn't babysit her without her ending up dead by the time their parents came home.

            Poke... pookke. POKE.... I grabbed her hand and glared down at her, "Please, Jackie. Stop."

            "I want to touch your cell-oh-light!"

            I groaned, "You did! Now, please stop."

            She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. A cute mixed guy entered the kitchen, shirtless and rummaged through the fridge. His head lurched back, chugging down a counter of OJ. He turned from the fridge and his eyes landed on me. He gargled and choked on the juice. He coughed, juice accidently landing on his chest. He wiped his chest and mouth and leaned over the counter toward me. He smiled, "Hi, my name is Demarko. Who are you?"

            "That's Eliot!" Jackie cheered.

            "Eliot? Isn't that a guy's name?"

            "Maybe I'm a guy."

            He smirked, "You're too cute to be a guy."

            Was he trying to flirt with me? He can't be serious. Jackie's mom entered the kitchen and squatted Demarko on the head with her newspaper, "Go put on a shirt Demarko. What is wrong with your generation and being shirtless all the time?"

            "It's hot, Mrs. Gold."

            "Well, we don't need anything hot in this house." She grinned, "Except me of course."

            Demarko chuckled and I cracked a smile.

            "Go call Liam in, okay?"

            "I got you, Mrs. Gold."

            Demarko raced outside and I heard him yelling Liam's name. After the fifth time he called, I got annoyed and went after Demarko. He was hollering, "LIIIAAAAMMM!!!" at the front steps. I grabbed the basketball out of his hands. I saw Liam leaning against a red car across the street, transfixed on some brunette girl. She was pretty I guess.

            Without another thought, I chucked the basketball at Liam. THUD! It slammed into Liam's head. His head snapped forward, stumbling forward into the girl. The ball bounced and smacked into the girl's face.

            Demarko burst out laughing and I joined him. The girl's face turned completely red.

            Liam turned around and glared at us. I shrugged and entered the house.

Liam's POV


            I might accidently kill that girl.

            "Sorry, man, but you wouldn't hear me." Demarko snickered, lying on the couch beside me. I kicked him.

            "You embarrassed me in front of Jenny! Dude, that was not cool." I slouched in the couch, depressed. Right after the ball hit Jenny in the face, she dipped.

            "That girl is totally my type, man. Cute and can throw a ball? Is she your cousin or something?" He asked.

            I cringed. Like hell she was my cousin. I'd rather shot my foot off then be related to that lesbian, "She's a lesbian."

            "Damn," Demarko cursed, "Are you sure?"

            "What the fuck do you mean am I sure? She didn't even drool when she saw me half naked."

            Demarko raised an eyebrow, "Maybe she likes mixed guys."

            "No, she's a lesbian. Dude, her parent's named her Eliot for God's sake. They were waiting for a boy."

            "I'm not a lesbian," Eliot walked through the living room, eyes narrowed at us.

            I snorted. Eliot picked up Jackie from the La-Z-boy and jogged upstairs.

            "Dude, I told you." Demarko laughed.

            I rolled my eyes, "Who cares, man? She's obviously not interested in your dumbass."

            "I would bow down to you if you can make her fall for you in one month."

            "Do I hear a bet?" I sat up, intrigued. I never back down from a bet. You ask me to do anything, I'll do it.

            Demarko grinned, flashing white teeth, "You heard correctly. Make her fall in love with you in a month or... you have to be my assistant for my magic act at the Talent Show."

            I could lose a finger if I join Demarko's stupid magic act. I stared at my fingers. Honestly, I like my fingers. A lot.

            But I never back down from anything.

            The edge of my lip crooked upward, "It's on."






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