Chapter Three

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Liam's POV


            Demarko came up with some guidelines for the bet, which I thought was unnecessary but apparently, he thought I could manipulate people. To sum it up, she has to say 'I love you' to me to make the bet complete. I can't force her to do anything, which didn't seem possible anyway. She seemed like a feminist.

            "What if I nail her? Since that's 'making love', wouldn't that count as completely the bet?" I asked. It would be easier to nail her then make her say she loved me.

            Demarko shrugged, "That'll work but right after you must crush her heart."

            I smiled. Crush her heart after embarrassing me in front of Jenny would be sweet. I leaned back in my seat in the cafeteria. I searched the cafeteria for Eliot. She was no where to be found. Hm... Mom told me I had watch out for her but how bad could the first day for a new kid be?

Eliot's POV



            Today is possibly the WORST day of my life. I don't even remember the last time I was in a high school. Moving from foster home to foster home doesn't give you the chance to go to high school.

            Liam was supposed to watch me but right when we stepped out of his stupid car; he raced off to his huge friends who have the IQ of a three year old.

            I'm usually a tough person but being in a high school made me feel so vulnerable. And weak. The hallways were cramped and I swear some kid groped my butt as I tried to find my third hour class. One time, I even asked a teacher where I was supposed to be and they told me to beat it. Since when were teachers so mean? And fat? Ugh... I jumped when the stupid bell rang for the tenth time today.

            I looked at my schedule that I was clutching in my hand. I glanced at the clock. I was supposed to be in fifth hour. Chemistry. I hurried to B230 or at least what I thought was B230. I opened the door and stepped in to see quick movement.

            I saw the girl from across the street. The one the ball hit, un-wrinkling her short skirt. Her face was flushed and lips bruised. A older looking man was leaning against the desk, buttoning the top of his shirt. He looked like he committed a felony, "Is this B230?"

            The girl grabbed some blue text book and started reading it.

            The man stood up and nodded, "Yes, can I help you with something?"

            Were this girl and I the only ones taking Chemistry? "Uh... it's fifth hour. It says I'm supposed to be here."

            The man ruffled through his desk and smiled, "You must be my new student... do you go by Elle?"

            I shook my head, "Just call me Eliot."

            He nodded, "Actually, we have first lunch. Go to the cafeteria and then when the bell rings again, come back. Jenny, why don't you show her?"

            "But I have a question_"

            "I think we practiced how to balance equations enough for today." The man rushed his words out.

            Jenny jerked out of her place and left the room, seeming a little mad. Dang, this girl must really love Chemistry. I followed, oblivious.

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