Chapter Nine

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            "Do you hate me?" Liam asked. My eyebrows furrowed as I peeked up from my book to meet his gaze. I was curled up on the couch, next to Liam who was lying on the couch, flicking through the channels.

            I don't know where that came from. I squared my shoulders, "I don't hate you."

            Liam sat up, "Yeah, right. I know I'm a jackass, okay? Is it wrong to be cocky sometimes?"

            "You're not cocky sometimes. You're cocky ALL the time."

            Liam seemed offended, "And is that wrong?"

            "It wouldn't hurt to be compassionate sometimes."

            "Like Demarko?" He's voice was strained.

            "I don't want you to be like Demarko. I want you to act like yourself but tone down the cockiness. You already have me." God, it really felt like we were dating. But we're not. I need to remember that.

            Liam scooted closer to me until his shoulder bumped my shoulder, "I do have you but I feel like Demarko will steal you away from."

            "He's just a friend," But Demarko was sweet. And sexy. He can cook for gosh's sake! How many teenage boys do you know who can cook and look sexy doing it? As I fantasized of Demarko cooking, I hadn't noticed that Liam was a lot closer to me. Like invading my personal bubble close.

            His hand was on my thigh, "Stop." I squatted his hand away.

            He smirked, "You know you don't want me to." His fingers brushed upward, touching my tip of my chest. His hand hovered over my collarbone and my breath was becoming unsteady. His fingers captured my chin and he forced his lips onto mine. You could say I was shocked. Like I-want-throw-up-in-my-mouth shocked but I couldn't since Liam's tongue was there. I lightly shoved him away but that didn't stop him. His lips burned a trail down to my neck. I couldn't help my grip his luscious hair. He sucked on my sensitive spot and I moaned.

I can't believe I just moaned. Stop getting lost in the feeling! I need to stop this. NOW.

"Liam," I moaned out.

            "Jenny..." He groaned back and I felt like cold water just got dumped on me. I knocked him away from me. I couldn't believe he just called me Jenny. Of all the damn people.

            He reached for me again and I picked up my book and squatted his hand away, "Don't ever touch me again."

            "You liked it," He was breathless.

            I gulped and scrambled off the couch.

            "Where are you going?" I heard Liam following me. He gripped my arm and spun me around, "What did I do wrong?"

            "You called me Jenny. That's what you did wrong." I felt my throat closing up. Why did I feel so emotional about this? Crap. I don't like Liam.

            His hand tightened on me, "I didn't mean it."

            "Right," I snorted.

            His jaw clenched, "I'm sorry. I like you too much for something like that to ruin us."

            I pulled my arm back and glared at him, "Tell that to my ass."

Liam's POV


            Eliot stalked away from me. Her room door slammed shut. I groaned. Shit. I almost had her. I stumbled downstairs and plumped onto the couch. Dad walked into the room and sat down beside me.

            His hand was tapping his thigh. I knew what that meant. He wanted to talk. A man to man talk as he called it. I started to get up when he said, "We need to talk." Crap. I really don't need this now.

            I sat back down and turned to him, "About what?" I asked innocently.

            "About you and Eliot."

            Please, God do you hear me? Please don't make this about sex! I beg of you!

            Dad's face turned stern, "I noticed you two have been a little friendlier to each other."

            "You saw us making out right?"

            "No, actually, your mom saw you and told me to intervene but Eliot was half-way up the stairs when I came over here."

            "And? What's the deal?" Don't say sex.

            "First," He slapped me on the back, grinning, "Nice catch and second, I will not allow sex in this house. And the porch is part of the house."

            Wow, he actually thinks I'd have sex on the porch? Now that's a disappointment.

            "Does the car count?" I asked just to bug him.

            His face turned red, "Uh... yes."

            "The backyard too?"

            "Yes," He seemed overwhelmed, "That's not the point, son. The point is_"

            Mom stomped into the room and gripped my collar, yanking me a few inches off the couch. Holy shit. Since when was Mom so strong? "You will not get ANY girl pregnant. This isn't Teen Mom!"

            Actually, I always wanted to be on Teen Mom. You know how much they get paid per episode? A lot. I wouldn't mind getting paid that much just to yell at my girlfriend and have an on and off relationship with my girlfriend.

            "I'm not going to get anyone pregnant!" I chuckled, "I know what a condom is, mom."

            Her eyes widened. She looked like she was going to burst to tears. I swear, she's crazy. Mom released me and collapsed next to Dad, "Look what you did." Dad yelled at me.

            "What did I do?" I gaped.

            Mom frowned at me, "I swear if you get Eliot pregnant, I will..."

            "Chop off some parts I don't want to name," Dad finished for her. Mom smiled at Dad and kissed him like he meant the world to her. He was her other half. They were perfect for each other. When will I ever find someone like that?

            I gulped, annoyed by the feelings blazing in me.

            Soon enough, my parents were having a full on make-out scene. Some rated R stuff was going on here. I leapt off the couch and run upstairs. I walked past Jackie's room and noticed Eliot sitting on the floor with Jackie. They were playing Barbie. I watched as Eliot's gold hair fell before her eyes. Her eyes twinkled as she stared at Jackie who was giggling. My heart started to pound just staring at Eliot. What was wrong with me? Jackie looked up and a frown crept onto her face, "Stop staring at us, perv!"

            Eliot laughed and my heart stopped. Jackie got up and slammed the door in my face. A few minutes passed and I was till staring at where Eliot would be at the door.

            I ran my fingers roughly through my hair. Shit.

            This was just bet. Nothing more.

            Just a fucking bet!







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