Chapter Fifteen

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Eliot's POV



            I felt like a dork being carried by Liam's dad who found us in the middle of what was supposed to be the best and perfect make out with Liam which I regret beginning. I kinda want to go back into the woods and finish everything with Liam. He actually looked like he really wanted to kiss me when he said all that stuff. I believed him.

            Gosh darn it!

            I'm supposed to stop this. Who knew this would be so hard?

            Aunt Ava laughed when she saw me. How nice. She stopped, "I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you, Eliot. I'm laughing at Jack. What on earth are you wearing?"

            I just noticed his attire which consisted of a really dirty shirt and some really dirty shorts, "What?" He defended himself.

            "Did you roll in dirt or something?"

            "Actually, I did and before you start laughing again. I rolled in poop too so the bear wouldn't be attracted to me."

            I yelped and jumped away from Liam's dad. I knew he smelled kinda funky but I didn't expect it to be because he rolled in some poop.

            Liam's mom frowned, "There's something else that's not attracted to you either. Me."

            Liam laughed.

            "On a serious note, I think we need to take Eliot to a hospital. Her leg is badly injured." Jack suggested.

            "No, I can handle another night." I didn't want my injury to stop this family from having fun.

            Liam's mom grinned, "Actually, I need to get out of here. I can't handle all this outdoor shit. I need a nice air conditioned room with a bowl of chocolate ice cream and a bad reality show."

            "She wants us to stay because she thinks she's being a burden." Liam explained. I glared at him.

            He knows me too well.

            Liam's mom patted my head, "You're not a burden! You're my escape sweetheart."

            "Only if you share that bowl of ice cream, Mrs. Gold."



            So, I have a sprained ankle because of a stupid piece of branch. How pathetic right? You think that's bad but what's worse is that the dance is in two days. How would I do the dougie in a cast? I'm sure it's possible but surely impossible for me since I can't even dougie correctly with two functioning legs.

            I mused over this while shoving a pickle in my mouth and watching Scott from Teen Wolf turn into a very unattractive werewolf thing. Even though his wolf is pretty ugly, I still love him. Maybe not more than Jacob, The God of All Things Furry and Ab-tastic!

            Liam sauntered into the room with Demarko. They've been hanging out a lot lately. Maybe they're gay. Their shirts were damp from sweat. Liam wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and sat down on the couch next to me while Demarko sat at the other end of me.

            Liam grinned at me.

            I narrowed my eyes, "What?"

            He shrugged, "Nothing."

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