Chapter 6

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Sonic and The Harmony of Chaos

Chapter 8 (Unedited)

By Cutegirlmayra (I know it's been too long, I'm so sorry. I'm trying to edit, work on original stories, and do pet projects of mine... plus, living life, working, so much happens after school! But it's very liberating too, hehe. It does get better, folks! Now, on to the new chapter updates! Long overdue, sorry about that! lol I'll try and make it worth it, promise..! Also... I'm gonna quit editing for a while to update more chapters XD)

With everyone now gathered beneath the powerful wingbeat of Harmony's airy throne, a hurricane beneath her like a seat upon the now dispersed sky... the storm that Chaos had created was spread out to create a spiraling hole of wind, much like the now gaping hole of the sun where dimensions, worlds, and all manner of forgotten magical gems like Chaos Emeralds, Sol Emeralds, and Phantom Rubies were now drained of all their power to assist in Harmony's Perfect form... and the resurrection of her might was still incomplete.

As was mentioned previously, due to her missing army, even Perfect Harmony was only half-baked. The power swirled in colors around her, slowly turning into a vibrant pink like a ball of light around her person.

"Even with only the powers she's able to retain-!" Tails stated, trying to speak out over the winds that had now died down due to her transforming as much as she could wield now. "She's still so massively powerful!"

Storm moved off of Wave, her breathing irregular and looking as though her panic attack had finally waned on her spirit. She was starting to blink her eyes a bit more, the wind ceasing it's howling, forceful fury made her calm down somewhat.

Maybe... men could pick up on emotions far more than she had supposed.

"...Ee-urk..." She slowly got up as Storm moved back, and Jet put his hand to her back instead to keep her up.

"You okay?" He asked, his eyes showing a serious look. He wanted her to be honest, but knew she wouldn't be.

"G-..." Ungritting her beak, she did her best to fake an excuse, putting a hand to her stomach, one eye still squinted shut, "Got the wind knocked out of me, that's all." she lied, and he just accepted that, squinting his eyes and looking down as though not wanting to argue it.

"... Alright, then." He looked out towards Sonic as his body began to shake, his quills rippling as though... watery... waves...

"Sonic?" He called out, as Sonic hugged himself, and looked back up at Harmony.

"I need..." He was struggling, feeling Chaos wanting to emerge again. "I need the Chaos Emeralds..." He was worried, for the first time since Dark Gaia, that he wouldn't have the power to control himself again.

With the werehog, it was different, he hadn't 'lost himself completely'... But Chaos wanted control, and he was struggling to give him his will...

In its entirety.

Still uncertain if Chaos would fight Harmony instead of saving her, he turned to his friends, "Everyone..." He then looked to see Team Chaotix rushing to join them, and the two downed companions being carried in as well.

Blaze, Silver, Cream, and Vanilla... Cheese flew by their sides, worriedly cooing as Rouge, Knuckles, and Shadow graced the scene.

"Looking for these?" Shadow held up more than just one Chaos Emerald!

Everyone gasped, "Where'd you get those!?" Tails shouted out, as he pulled out his own, and so did Knuckles.

"Heh," Knuckles winked to him, cockily, "When Harmony took out that outer layer of that facility, these whoppers flew out!" He threw them to Sonic, as Shadow did the same, along with Tails.

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