Chapter 7

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Sonic and The Harmony of Chaos

Ch. 9 (Unedited, will be 7 or Combined later on when I get back to edits someday XP)

By: Cutegirlmayra (Hands speeding past the mortal limit, all thoughts being typed down quickly, a movie playing in my head, and the sound of the angels begging me to have a life.)

-The Ground Beneath Harmony's Wing...-

Shade began to move stealthily in her suit further towards what looked like an underground bunker. Her eyes narrowed as the wind picked up more but she wasn't pelted by the dirt due to her getup. She took out her blade, seeing it shining brilliantly now, Harmony being sustained but at what cost?

She looked to the sky to see three lights flying towards her, and recognizing the colors as she squinted through her suit, widened her eyes at them in realization.

Without another thought, she jumped up into the winds, and much like Knuckles, glided a moment as she swiped out her blade multiple times. The pink then turned to Blaze's purple, Wave's violet, and Vanilla's gentle oranges...

She landed and rolled, dodging trees being uprooted and also the ground shaping into Eggman's odd paradise... She watched as the Elemental Giants and Robots constructed over the earth-made objects and figures, wondering why they were serving Eggman over Harmony, their creator.

'That madman... He's no better than our leaders.' She looked to see his arrogance in a giant sculpture of himself, '... Maybe... somewhat worse.' She put a hand to her mask, thinking how Eggman was wiping out the whole world and conjoining dimensions in his craze for power over just this world...

She held out her blade, closing her eyes while the suit powered up. She pulled away the helmet-piece and chanted, "Great Harmony of our old ancestors, heed my plea." She then cried out and spiked the ground.

Wave, Blaze, and Vanilla manifested... their ashes were pulled from their spot with the others, spinning like a cloud of dirt, mixing with the earth, and retook their forms.

Coughing out the dust that just created them, they fell to their knees, hacking and trying to breathe. Seeing their agony, Shade's eyes lit with compassion, and looked around for any life around her. There were only blades of tall grass remaining... everything else was barren and striped of itself...

She hurried, taking Blaze's hand and holding her Leech Blade in it, swiping to cut at the grass to restore her health, then doing so for the others.

With the wind whipping by, she pulled as they crawled in desperation for air towards the bunker, then used her blade to hack a sharp stab through the top, starting to saw it open.

Shade had been weakened with the others, but seeing her blade going out, had requested to be left to heal herself. At first, they refused, but she insisted, saying she'd catch up.

Really, she was the reason the Chaos Emeralds were found flying about and was able to catch and throw them to the others while caring for Rouge and Blaze.

She wasn't going to let a lack of energy stop her, with her suit powered by Harmony, the more power she gathered, the more the suit gave her strength that her body didn't possess.

Recharging after being drained, it was quite useful unless she ran out of life completely... that is...

She carved a slot and just pushed the slumped girls through it, then jumped in herself and dragged them into a corridor to start pulling out items for them.

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