Chapter 2

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Sonic and The Harmony of Chaos

Chapter 2

By: Cutegirlmayra (I split these chapters up. Tell me if you like smaller chapters, yeah? Two in one night! Baller~ Hey, hey, hey! I'm excited about these new updates! As always, stay tuned~ EDIT: I'm combining them all again XD)

"Shadow!" A familiar voice rang through the air, like a comet or arrow piercing through the sky.

"Grr... Rghk... R-Rouge?" Shadow opened one strained eye that was shut, holding Chaos's watery, taloned crab-arm as it choked his neck.

While he struggled, his feet dangling in the air, oxygen passed by his throat at wavering intervals... he could hear the flapping of large bat wings.

"Let him go, you big bully!" Rouge spun a kick into Chaos's head, drilling her sharp-ended heart-shoe right into his brain, piercing his liquid hide and causing him to release Shadow from his bonds.

Chaos reeled back with another roar of metallic shrieks, causing Knuckles to somewhat cover his ears from it. Chaos turned away and had his watery appendage morph back into his tall pillared self once more, his eyes blaring green.

He swiftly changed his sights from Shadow to Rouge, shaking his head at the damage done to his watery skull as Rouge caught her falling friend and flew him safely down.

"Rouge! I should have known you were behind this, too!" Knuckles removed his hands from his head and rushed up to them, accusing her and shaking his fist around, flapping his gums off...

"Oh, Shut up!" she hollered back over her shoulder, "You really should learn to not cry out random garbage before you understand what's really going on!" she scolded.

"Why you-!" Knuckles's face flared in puffs of red, his muzzle showing his angered and flustered expression, but Rouge just saw Shadow hold up his eyes to her own.

"Rouge..." Shadow twitched his head up, seeing his vision blurred from lack of oxygen. "You came back?" He asked.

"Heh, you seem surprised." Rouge smiled, "An old partner is still a partner, Shadow." She took her hand and moved his arm over her shoulders, "It's okay, Shadow... I'm here." Rouge looked down kindly towards him, helping him up to his feet again, "And that's saying something... G.U.N doesn't know I'm here... though, they would probably want me to be. I've been charged with investigating this strange phenomenon. Thought you could use some help."

Shadow nodded to her, giving her a faint smile through the apparent weakness in his voice from being momentarily strangled, but was ready to fight again. Hits don't do much against the Ultimate Lifeform... he was ready to swing and duke it out again within seconds.

"Also... I saw those flashing lights bounce off from here." Rouge, once seeing he could stand on his own again, let him go and honestly spoke her mind. "I figured something must have happened... knowing you were coming here."

Knuckles turned back to notice the sweet exchange, before flipping out and approaching the two again after blinking his eyes back and frowning at the closeness. "I-I don't understand! Why are you both sneaking around Angel Island?!"

She kept her eyes fixed on Shadow before turning to Knuckles, frowning and narrowing one eyebrow to the dummy, "You really think now's the time to accuse people? What about you, Knuckle-head? It's not like you have any brains in that noggin of yours to know anything about what's going on with those lights, do you?" Her abrasive question left Knuckles stumbling and twitching an eyebrow at her boldness in insulting him.

"W-What did you say..!?" Knuckles flinched back, his fingers twitching too as his anger rose. He flopped his fists down and folded his arms once he saw Rouge take her focus off of him again, looking away from the two as he smushed his lips back and forth over the other in a grumpy fashion. Being 'called out' on his lack of information during this... strange event of sorts... Left a sour taste in his mouth.

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