Part 4

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A very special class with them

It was not very often he felt his emotions overtake him. But this morning when his enchanted ring went off to alarm him it was in fact time to wake up. He wanted to throw it across the room. The anger that coursed through his veins was like none other. The alarm had chosen to wake him up in the middle of his hug. It wasn't anything sexual, he just enjoyed being by and near you. He laid in bed hitting his head against the pillow. He got up, took a shower, grabbed a quick bite to eat from the great halls nearly running to his class. He wasn't one to be late. His entire day felt off. It was that time for that awkward one off class at Hogwarts. Where you were forced with your other peers to learn about safe sex and contraception charms. Like the majority of you hadn't already learned them in your free time. Luckily you only take it once and not till you turn 18. The school wasn't stupid and they knew people were sneaking off. When caught you got detention and reprimanded. As you both very well know. Luckily the last seat was one right next to you. He slid in effortlessly, not glancing her way. He stayed completely silent looking straight ahead getting his items together. You poke his shoulder offering him a smile "Well good morning Grumpy." He lets out a long sigh rolling his eyes "I am not grumpy." You poke his side making him jump, "hmm... I am not sure about that." He let out a bit of a growl, biting out the words "and what makes you say I am grumpy?" You go to poke him again but he grabs your finger turning his body towards you, "Well for one your voice sounds angry and you just grabbed my finger... I would call that very angry." He rolled his eyes at you shaking his head leaning into whisper, "Then watch what you do with your fingers and this is my normal voice thank you very much." This time it's your turn to glare at him. You lean in whispering back "I'll remember that the next time... I want my hand around a specific want." You take time to make sure you overly pronounce the word want. A nameless male witch stands up starting to talk, "Just because we are teaching this doesn't mean we support you doing this. We just want to make sure you are taking all precautions." Then the wizard went on a whole tangent about babies, how difficult they were and the dangers of uncharmed sex when you are unmarried. It felt like the man was trying to put on a horror show. Tom passed you a note 'Do you think I should ask about healing spells? Cause my wand can be very dangerous and I do love to be rough with my play things'. You roll your eyes shaking your head. The St. Mungo's wizard glares at you "well miss. Since you aren't paying attention you can demonstrate the spell. Come to the front of the class." You look at Tom looking not okay with what was happening. He is glaring daggers at both you and the wizard. His fist clenched so tight that a quill breaks in his hand. You lift your shirt barely an inch casting the spell as a glow peaks through. Once you had done this you quickly sit down. Tom grabs your hand under the desk looking at you. His eyes seem to be screaming, are you okay? But his mouth never seems to move. Once you are given the chance to break off and practice the charm. He pulls you in to whisper, "I wanna kill that man, I want to attack St. Mungo's and take that man down." Which he did years upon years later when this said wizard was head over it. They blamed it on the war but he was always going to get revenge. He continued his soft wiper, "No one will ever humiliate you, except for me. I will turn him to dust. Cause the jackass definitely had an idea how uncomfortable it made you. Fuck!" It might have been the end of class but, you could tell that he was not finished with this conversation.

**There isn't much to say but that you are the center of his attention. You mean the world to him. You make him feel like he can do anything. You are something special for them.

You and them in a broom closet

You are headed out of the classroom still trying to calm down from that experience. You felt so humiliated having to stand up in front of everyone. Then Tom looked so mad at you when you had no choice. It was only the smallest amount of skin but he looked ready to kill. Your chest aches as you try to push your mind away from the thoughts. Tears start popping around your eyes, slipping down your cheeks. You feel a hand around your mouth and someone's arms tightly around your waist. You would have known that you were being tugged into the nearby broom closet if you had your senses about you. A light flickers on and you see Tom lock the door. The anger on his face quickly fades when he sees your tears. He wiped them with his thumb licking them off his finger. His voice is soft, "Shhh... Love, we do not cry for insolent pricks who are on a control high over a group of 18 year olds." You sniffle, softly blinking new tears down your cheek. He drags his pink tongue up your cheeks licking them as the fall, he whispers "I am right t=here, I will always be right here y/n. I am going to protect you from every threat that crosses your path." You look up at him wrapping your arms around his waist whispering in a hurt voice, "I thought you were mad cause-" He places a single finger on your lips, "I was never mad at you, I was mad I couldn't do anything there in that moment. I felt so out of control. I wanted to make that man burn. I wanted to destroy him." He lets out a long sign hitting his hand on a nearby wall. He lets out a long breath leaning into pressing you into the wall. His lips find yours telling a story. A story of just how badly he wanted to be there and take away all the emotions. It tells a story of a man who desperately just wanted to protect you but wasn't sure how to do it. His lips nipped and nibbled at yours as your mouth parts open for his. His tongue lightly plays with yours as soft sweet breaths fill the space between you. As the kiss continued his need to deepen the kiss grew. He could feel the poison and need of you grow deeper into his bones. Your mouth started to ache from the force but you refused to let up. You both needed and wanted this.

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