Part 6

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A meal, a threat, and a fight.

He almost immediately hated himself for suggesting to go get food. In the dorm the two of you were safe from any judgement or other people's thoughts. It was just you and him nothing else in the world. The only saving grace was the fact he proudly got to hold your hand all the way to the great hall. It was his chance to show off his girlfriend. He had never really cared how other people saw him. He didn't mind if people casted their own judgements on him. But, he did quickly learn with each step that he very much cared what people thought about you. Not that it would change how he felt about you. No, more like he didn't want a single soul's judgement to make you feel less than.

  He tightly squeezed your hand pulling you in closer against him. He set down with you a smirk on his face. His voice was low as scooted in closer against you, "Please make sure you drink water and not just pumpkin juice" You grin wide at him shaking your head, "And what if I don't want to drink water?" He whipped his head back towards you dropping the roll in his hand. He whispered gently with his face completely calm, "Then I am going to have to punish you. You aren't going to like that trust me" You take a long slow sip of pumpkin juice, "Maybe a little punishment wouldn't be so bad if you are the one giving it. Plus this taste so good..." He grabs the juice sitting it to the side and handing you water. His voice was stern, "No, first you drink this, last warning" You pout taking a sip of the water while he grins like he has won.

A tall Ravenclaw walks up with Myrtle. He still needed to get even with her for what she did. Myrtle face is pulled up into a sour face. The man smirks shaking his head his voice is low, "You dating her Riddle?" He slowly wipes his mouth, "Yes I am" The Ravenclaw laughs shaking his head slowly "You could have had someone like Myrtle and you choose one of the ugliest Slytherins? Please make it make sense. Aren't you supposed to be smart? We Ravenclaws were rooting for you. You seem so smart and we thought hopefully mistakingly put in Slytherin. But, with a broad like that on your arm. I think you are dumb as shit. I mean are you blind or did you just invest in a bag to hide her face—" He flicked his wrist using wand-less magic. The Ravenclaws somehow magically trips and falls hitting his head on the table, bench and floor. Then the table magically shakes and a full chicken lands on his hand. He smirks at himself very proud adding yet another person to the list of people to get even with.

"I will watch the world burn for you"

He had every plan to get up and leave. After all it was just a nameless Ravenclaw. One of Myrtle's minions, she was proving to be a real problem. One that he needed to deal with before she tried her sh*t again. To not fight the man in front of him. But the more he saw the b*stards face. The more he wanted to punch him again. He spit out the words, "You me and the courtyard right now" The Ravenclaw grinned wide laughing as he spoke, "Deal, I am not scared of some skin and bone wizard that is stupid enough to go for a Slytherin Wh*re" He tightly open and closed his fist watching the man walk away from him. You turn towards him sighing, "Tom, please don't fight him. There is no point in it. What if you get in trouble? I don't want you to fight in my honor" He glared at you letting a snarky laugh fall from his lips. He turned towards you his voice low, "Love, do not presume to know why I am or not fighting someone. If I decide to just wake up and hit the first insolent wizard in my wake. I will f*cking do so and there isn't a d*mn thing you can do about it. "I might be your boyfriend but, you are not my keeper and you cannot stop me from doing what I see fit" He presses his forehead against yours, "Now be a good girl and don't fight me on this"

Your blood felt like it was actually boiling. To say you were upset with him was an understanding. The fact in the span in a few hours he could make you feel like the most treasured woman to meaningless and nothing. You spit your words out at him glaring for very good effect, "Fine Tom Marvolo Riddle. I will be complacent since that is the type of witch you apparently prefer" He let out a long sigh rolling his eyes. He couldn't deal with the dramatics. If you were p*ssed at him then so be it. You were p*ssed at him. He was fairly confident that he could deal with what ever you threw at him. He was willing to bet that a simple kiss would set a nice smile right back on those pretty lips of yours. Soon you were watching punches fly. Every once and awhile the Ravenclaw would magically fall and lose his balance like he'd been punched without ever being touched.

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