Part 9

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Monster Under My Bed

Everyone had a fear. You loved to pretend like yours didn't exist. You tried to pretend like you didn't have something that ran your blood ice-cold. But, you did. It was the two people who were supposed to be genetically swayed to love you. No one would have ever known. Because, when you talked about your parents you slipped a smile happily on your face. You played the role of a perfect daughter perfectly. It was something you learned to stop the pain from growing to bad. You tried to think of any side fears when it was your time to stand in front of the Bogart. The black mess quickly transformed in front of you in a whirl. Something was different something was strange.

It was your father and he was standing directly in front of you. Your mother was right by his side. His voice was in a low growl, "Do you think you can aim a wand at me?" Your mother raise a wand disarming you. Your actual wand falling to the ground. The terror set inside of you as you stared. Your mother then shouted "accio y/n" shooting you forward as her wand shot you down hard against the floor. With the other students there had been a fake version of themselves but, this was being taken out on you in real time. Your dad's face gained wide as he got near your face "You disgust me. I cannot believe you are daughter we are stuck with. As a child you whined to much, needed to much. Can you not just do as you are told?" Her father brought his anger down on her face. Her mother stepped in shaking her head, "Darling, we cannot mark her. We can do better" He laughed raising his wand casting "Crucio" Your mother laughed harder looking down on you, "You only had one job. To do as you were told. You are not to talk unless you are talked too. Yet you can't do the simplest task. You can't even seem to handle our absence, only a mere six months is nothing. Tell us why we remain to allow you to exist?" Your body writhed as your scream echoed against the room. It felt like your entire body was crushing into itself as your parents took terms shooting the curse at you. You weren't sure if I was second or minutes. Everyone would know now the anger, pain, and hate your parents subjected you to before they would leave you to fend for yourself at months at a time.

He knew anger. But, he now knew without a sliver of a doubt what it felt like to be in agony. His ear was shattering in his own lungs as he slowly processed what was happening. It felt as if the entire world froze upside down before him as he watched everything unfold before him. All the puzzle pieces were slowly clicking and locking into place as he realized exactly the kind of people your parents were. He was going to destroy them without a shadow of a doubt It felt like every bit of warmth left his body realizing just making your parents pay was not going to be enough. Every single person in the room froze and no one made a single move to stop it. Not even the Professor himself. This only added to his anger as he realized he was the only one willing to help you.

He stepped forward flicking his wand as he effortlessly got the boggart back into the cabinet and locked it shut. He had always had a knack with the dark arts and apparently better than the current teacher. His voice snapped at them, "You are all insolent! You are letting her hurt!" He looked down at your passed out body on the floor looking around memorizing every face. In that moment he finally committed the last name of the Professor Longbottom. That family would pay. He did go on to make this family pay for many generations till Neville on that fateful day at the battle of Hogwarts.

He carried you to the Medical Ward. Although, he wasn't feeling very confident of anyone at this school currently. But, you were currently passed out in his arms. So he did the one thing he knew he could do. Get you some type of medical help. His heart shook in his chest as his breath rattled out of his lungs. He tried to focus on walking and breathing. He then tried to focus on how he was going to make you parents pay. But, none of it worked. He was a man making a terribly long list of all the people he intended to hurt in your honor. But, he was also nothing but a man that was terrified he was going to lose you too soon.

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