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The girl tripped on the uneven sidewalk leading up to the house. The truck that pulled up to the curb scared her with its loud music causing her bags to go soaring across the yard.


"Are you okay? I saw you trip." The young man climbed out of his truck.

"Awesome, someone always has to witness my less than graceful moments." She laughs under her breath, kneeling to pick up the random items.

"Here, let me get these for you."

"Thanks." She replied as the bags were filled once again and in her arms.

"You lost or something?" The man asked, eyeing the girl.

"Do I look lost?"

"Well considering you're walking towards the mens baseball house..."

"So because I'm a girl I can't work with the baseball boys?"

"Oh I didn't mean..."

"I'm just fooling with ya." She laughs. "I'm Y/n, one of the team managers for the men's baseball team."

"Bradley Bradshaw, freshman."

"What position do you play, Bradshaw?" Y/n questions.

"Pitcher, ma'am."

"Oh, this is going to be fun." She laughs, walking towards the house. When she doesn't hear footsteps behind her she turns to spot Bradley still standing at the curb. "Well come on Bradshaw, get your things." Bradley stumbles over to his Bronco pulling out a duffle bag and a crate of what y/n can only assume are records.

Walking into the house, y/n and Bradley first notice the leaking house hanging down the stairs from the second floor.

"Fucking hell!" Y/n groans as she walks into the kitchen, putting away different food products. Bradley sets his things by the stairs and moves to help her put items away when the ceiling creaks. "Boys!" Y/n shouts and immediately Bradley can hear the footsteps tumbling down the stairs.

Bradley meets them at the stairs only for them to immediately start ordering him.

"Hey! Turn the hose off!"

"The fucking faucet outside!"

Bradley jogs through the kitchen to the back door and turns the water off.

"Old ass house man. Damn thing wasn't even half full."

Y/n places the last items in the fridge and turns towards the two men walking into the kitchen, glaring with her arms crossed.

"Hey y/n." They smile, walking past her.

"Do I wanna know?" She questions.

"Know what?"

"Lord help me." Y/n groans, stepping out of the way for one of them to get into the fridge. Bradley returns and both men look over.

"Who the hell is this?"

"Bradley Bradshaw." Bradley holds his hand out to shake theirs. The taller one takes his hand.


"Pitcher." The man shaking Bradley's hand, lets out a disgusted noise as he wipes his hand on his shirt and pulls two beers from the fridge.

"Another fucking pitcher." The second man questions.

Before Bradley could say anything, y/n interjects. "It doesn't matter, the team is lucky to have him, Fitch."

"Just saying!" Reuban defends. "Pitchers are fucking weird."

"Alright, since you two have no manners." Y/n sighs. "Reuban Fitch, our star batter. He hates pitchers for some inexplicable reason. Javy Machado, co-captain."

"That's your shit?" Javy questions.

"You wanna pick it up?"

"Oh yea." Bradley squeezes his way between Javy and the counter and y/n pushes the taller boy out of the way.

"Come on, I'll show you around." Y/n leads Bradley up the stairs where two more players are on the landing.

"No one thinks about how much water weighs. Like this is 62 pounds per cubic foot." One of the men explains to the second. "I tried to warn them, and you know Y/n ain't gonna be happy."

"But wouldn't that be amazing if it fell through the ceiling right now?" The boys laugh but y/n interrupts them.

"No it would not." She says, walking over to Javy and Reuban's room. "What the fuck is that?"

"Uhm... hey darling." The blonde player smiles, trying to block her view.

"Jacob Grant Seresin."

"It's Reuban's, I swear. I told him it was a bad idea." Jake defends before catching a glimpse of Bradley behind her. "New teammate?" He questions, pointing with his golf club.


"Jake." Jake shakes Bradley's extended hand.

"I'm Mickey." He smiles, shaking Bradley's hand as well. "Good to meet you man."

"You meet the geniuses behind this babe's frustrations?" Jake asks, wrapping an arm around y/n's waist to pull her into his chest. "Machado and Fitch?"

"Yea, one hates pitchers according to y/n. Even teammates?" Bradley questions.

"Ahhh Fitch. He got drafted for pro ball fresh outta high school." Jake explains.

"Decided college ball was more important." Mickey adds.

"What's this I hear about the house falling down?"

"Any second now." Jake mutters, pushing away from y/n and stepping up to his putting mat stretched across the landing.


"Natasha, she's the other manager." Y/n chuckles to Bradley. "She's also the team's secret weapon but no one knows so-" Y/n puts a finger to her lips, telling Bradley to keep it hushed.

Bradley steps over the putting mat to greet Nat.

"Hey, you're one of the new pitchers right?" Nat questions, shaking Bradley's hand.

"Yea, good to meet ya." Bradley smiles. "Hey I'm rooming with, uh, Floyd I think?"

"Oh Baby on Board? Yea, follow the phone cord man." Jake laughs.

"If you don't knock it off with that fucking nickname." Y/n slaps the back of Jake's head. "Room is down here. Bob's got a girlfriend back home so he usually has the phone." Y/n knocks on the door before pushing it open. "Hey Bobby, this is Bradley Bradshaw, your roommate."

"Hey man." Bradley nods, sitting his things on the second bed.

"Hey, good to meet ya." Bob greets before returning to his phone call.

"He's usually always in here. I think it's sweet." Y/n tells him as they walk back to the landing.

"Ladies!" Javy shouts, jogging up the stairs. "And our resident foxy mamas." He corrects winking to Y/n and Nat who rest on the banister.

"Shut your mouth, Machado." Nat groans.

"Anyways! Happy hour has arrived, which means two hours of drinking before the team meeting. Let's go!"

"I think I'm just gonna hang back."

"Bullshit!" Nat says, dragging Bradley down the stairs. Jake follows behind with Y/n right behind him.

Jake, golf club in one hand, pulling out an impressive German accent says, "Onward, upward, and inward! Ja?"


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