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Jake couldn't believe what he was seeing. Across the bar sat Y/n, upright on a piano while Bradley serenaded her and the rest of the bar. And she smiled at HIM not Jake. He growled as Javy brought over another drink.

"You don't have to do this, you know." Javy says, setting the drink in front of his best friend.

"Do what?"

"Watch this. Man, let's just go to another bar." Javy suggests but Jake shakes his head, "No. I'm not letting her out of my sight." His fingers trace the rim of the glass. The last time Jake had seen Y/n smile like that was at graduation, right after he proposed. But even before then he hadn't known how much it would hurt him.

"You're a jerk sometimes man. You never saw how great she is." Javy's words make Jake snort because of course he did. He has always watched Y/n from afar because he knew just how beautiful she is, and how kind she was. He saw how she went out of her way to make sure the fridge in the baseball house was stocked and they had dinner after practices but him noticing and actually showing he noticed were two different things. He saw that now because Jake hasn't seen Y/n look at him the way she looks at Bradley in months.

So yeah, he sees how amazing Y/n is, he just doesn't see it when she smiles like that with someone else.

Y/n smiles with Bradley? Well if that didn't kill him—

Y/n's gaze catches Jake for a second before her eyes widen and turn back to Bradley at the piano. Before Jake can think anything of it, there is a hand on his shoulder.

"Long time no see, Seresin." Jake can feel the blood drain from his face and it's all he can do not to flinch. It takes everything in him not to scream when he realizes who is next to him. "How are you? How is your life?" She asks and Jake hates it. He hates that she's standing so close, he hates that she's smiling at him. But worst of all, she's talking like they're old friends. "We haven't talked in weeks, you should call me more often, Jake. We could catch up..."

"Walk away, Harlow."

"It's Willow, actually but I'll chalk that up to the drinks you've had." She giggles, settling herself into his lap. He tries his best not to react and keep glaring across to where Y/n is laughing with Bradley. "What happened to our little talk about being friends Jake?"

"I changed my mind." Jake says, hoping he can get Willow to walk away. He hopes Y/n doesn't notice, wishing he could go home. "This isn't exactly a friendly conversation, Willow." Jake can barely hear himself over his own heartbeat. He wants her off of him.

But Willow isn't listening because she leans in and whispers, "Let's go back to my dorm and I can do that thing you like with my tongue."

"I said—"

She interrupts him by kissing him, her hands reaching around his neck and pulling him closer. He pushes her off, getting up abruptly. He doesn't look at her. Doesn't want to see the disappointment etched into her almost pretty features. She stands up too, following after him as he heads for the door. When he gets outside she pulls on his arm. "Where are you going? Come back, Jake. Please." She begs and he thinks he hears a sob, and he feels sick. This isn't Y/n.

"Don't touch me." He snaps, shoving her away.

She falls against the wall behind them. He keeps walking, pushing past everyone and trying to focus on where he's going, and why he needs to be anywhere other than in here.

There's an odd buzzing in his ears and he feels like he might throw up. He doesn't stop until he reaches the parking lot. He sits down on the curb, leaning against the car. He closes his eyes and tries to breathe. He can still smell

Everybody Wants You | Jake SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now