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Wei WuXian was sleeping in JingShi, while Lan WangJi was continuously staring at his husband as if he would dissappear the moment Lan WangJi's eyes moved away from him

Today's incident was like a flashback for him. He felt the fear that hadn't been with him for a long time now, after Wei Ying's resurrection. Though, he wouldn't articulate it, but he was worried for his husband everyday, for there were enough malicious people who would still put baseless blames on his Wei Ying and kill him just for the fun of it. It's like they wanted to use the YiLing Patriarch as their punching bag.

In all the days, that they had been living together, not once did Lan WangJi ask Wei Ying about his nightmares just to respect his privacy, but after today's episode, he wasn't sure he would be able to restrain himself. He caressed Wei Ying's hair and bent down, pecking lips and forehead before hugging his husband to sleep.

Jiang WanYin had seen his brother in the throes of nightmare countless times to even lose his head. But today's nightmare wasn't the same. It was much.. much.. different. After the fall of Lotus Pier, he had no idea what his brother had been going through. Even when his shixiong lived in Lotus Pier for some time after the war, he had never guessed about it at all. And even if he had any nightmares, it wouldn't have been something to fret about obsessively because come on, who doesn't have a nightmare when they have fought a bloody war.

But right mow, thinking about it all, he could only feel angry on his past self who just never realized what was going on. It was completely his mistake that his brother was suffering so much today that an outsider had to calm him down. What had he done?!!

Without his noticing, tears had filled his eyes. ZeWu-Jun was busy making tea when he noticed the anguish on his beloved's face. Leaving it all aside, he rushed to WanYin's side and held his hand, 'Hey, it's okay, A-Cheng. He is fine. WangJi is with him, and I am sure that my brother will immediately notify us if something happens. So relax.'

Jiang WanYin looked at him with his tear filled eyes and asked, 'But what kind of a brother am I that I didn't even realize my brother's pain? I thought about my pain and my loneliness, but what about him? What must he have gone through when it was just him against the cultivation world trying to just do the right thing? And that too, when he had already suffered through the trauma of being thrown into the wretched Burial Mounds. Never for once did i even payse and think, as too, how come he had made a place in those wretched mountains, when all it ever did was curse everyone close to it. I did not analyze the rumors I had heard during his absence in those three months. I did not give it a thought as to why my brother left his sword and why he was always hiding.

Hadn't I always known that We Ying hid his injuries and plastered that goddamn smile on his face. So, why... ZeWu-Jun, why am I such a big failure as a brother?'

The pain in his voice resonated with ZeWu-Jun's own pain when he had to see over his DiDi's punishment and then look after him in those two years. He immediately pulled the other man into his arms, and both sat silently in each other's embrace for a few moments when ZewuJun heard WanYin speak, 'You know, Wei Ying was only 9 yrs old when A-die brought him to Lotus Pier. But he wasn't like any other gentry or disciple kid. He was more of a street rat covered completely with dog bites, extremely malnourished, scraggly, in rags that barely hung over his extremely thin body, yet with a bright smile plastered on his face

He took a deep breath, and ZeWu-Jun extricated himself to bring the tea. Once they had settled themselves, WanYin continued, 'When he took shelter in Burial Mounds, I met him then too, and he was slightly better than when he had first arrived at Lotus Pier. But I, as a Jiang Sect Leader, as his brother, did nothing to alleviate his pain. I know Yunmeng Jiang was weak at that time, but if I had tried a bit harder, I could still do something for him, just like he tried till the end, to protect those under his protection, till the last breath left his husk of a body. I ignored everything else in front of my own anger at him for breaking our promise. I was so petty that I didn't even see his obvious pain. What kind of a brother does that make me, XiChen?'

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