Meet the Indominus Rex

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Owens POV
I left Anna and the boys and jumped on my motorcycle to the new enclosure they needed checked out I could even think of what they could be planning that needs my approval and that worried me. After a short drive I arrived at the biggest enclosure gates I'd ever seen. "What on earth have you guys cooked up this time?" I say as Claire approaches me. "The walls are build bigger the usual, she's bigger than we expected" Claire tells me. "Bigger?, what kind of dinosaur have you guys went and created?" I asked bewildered following Claire as we entered into the viewing station. "It's the Indominus Rex" she smiles at me tapping away at a pad on the wall. "You just went and created a new type of dinosaurs? What breed is it? And it's raised in here all its life? Closed off" I rush my questions not believing anything that's actually being said to me. "It's mainly created from T Rex the rest is classified, and yes is there a problem with that Mr Grady?" She tells me with annoyance present in her voice. "You have a new dinosaurs and you don't even know what they made it from that's just great" I stress. "This animal has never seen anything but these four walls, that can't be good" I say shaking my head examining the enclosure. "So what you expect play dates, your raptors where raised in captivity" she challenges me. "They had siblings Claire this animal knows only these four walls and where it's food comes from" I stress. "So where is she?" I look around noticing there is no sign of the dinosaurs anywhere. Claire starts tapping on the class. "She was right here, I was here not long ago, I'll check the system" she says as she tapes furiously on the pad. "What the!? Where is she why isn't she showing up on the system?" Claires eyes widen looking at the control man who hurriedly does some more searches "that can't be she was here I ju-" "was this always here?" I interrupt him noticing huge claw marks up the walls of the enclosure walls. "You think she climbed out?" Claire says her voice slowly breaking. "Oh my god - stay here I'll call for help" Claire shouts as she runs out the viewing landing to her car. "Let's get a closer look at this - open the hatch" I say to the control man as we make our way into the hatch to inspect the claw marks.

Claires POV
Running I jump into my jump and take off grabbing my phone to call the main control centre to warm them. "We have a asset out of containment!! Find the Indominus Rex now!!" I scream down the phone. I'm meet with confusion on the other end and some scrambling. "Where is she? Get the swat teams ready" I say until I hear a response. "Claire, it's showing on the systems that she's on the cage" I freeze. "What how is that possible the controls at the enclosure didn't pick up the signal" I stress. "Claire she's in there and she's movi- Claire!! There are people in there!!" Horror flashes through me. "Get them out!!! What's happing!!?" I hear the announcement to the enclosure to get out, and I pray that Owen is safe as I make my way to the main control room driving as fast as I can to find out what the situation is.

Owens POV
"Do you really think she climbed out" the man asks me. "That depends, what kind of dinosaurs have they cooked up in here" I reply when all of a sudden there's a call through the radio muffled and static "please Evac- in the- get out-" cracking is then left and realisation hits when we hear the trees rustle from behind. "She's still in the cage" we turn to be met with the biggest scariest dinosaur I've seen. "Run" I yell as we try and make our way out but it gets in our way. The other control man runs towards the wall with scratches where there is a box to open the door opening it he runs and we run after him for our life. The Indominus grabs the control man and all I can think is to get out I slam my hands on the control box to try and shut the gate after me but it's no use the Indominus is out. Jumping under the car I use my knowledge to know that they use there good sense of smell I spray oil from the car to cover and mask my spell, lucky for me it passes me and heads to the woods. The first thing that comes to my mind is Anna I wait a few more minutes to make sure the coast is clear and get out from under the car jumping onto my motorbike ringing Annas cell. "Please pick up!!" No answer. Perfect. I call Claire next to fill her in. "Claire are you alright it's out-" I'm cut off "Omg Owen your alive thank god! It was in the cage how did we miss this - get to the control room!" She rushes and I smile knowing she's okay. "I'm on my way but Claire I can't get hold of Anna and they with you?" I ask as I drive my way back to the control room. "Oh my god the boys!! Anna! No there not here but I've made a call to close one side of the park where the Rex is close to - get here and we will find them! Try calling again we must find then" Claire cries. "We will - I'll find them, nothing is going to happened to them. See you soon. Don't move. Stay safe claire" I say hanging up and calling back Anna. Sighing as she picks up but as I try to explain and find out where she is but the signal is awful. "Anna where are you?!!" I shout finally approaching the control centre.

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