𝟐. 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤.

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It was around 2 pm in the evening, l had my lunch at the gateway and was heading towards home in the car, l took a turn on the left with the sound of horn beeping it loud to gain the attention of the another person, but God was not on my side

Kya ch*tiya Giri hai, arghh and now the new scratch, l came out of the car to look who is standing

"Aaeee, you, come out if the car, or hover down the window cant you see, you made a dent as well as scratchon my car!!! Come out you a**hole" l shouted at him, was he was not hovering down the window

"Here's a blank check and fill whatever amount you want and take your car dent off and don't yell at me...get it!!!" Said the men offering the check from the hall slide window not able to view his face l would have punched him hard right now if he would showed me his face

"Ohh hello l don't need your blank check l can handle it by myself , this expenses, just say sorry and you can leave l won't tell tell the police so better say sorry and get out from this shit" l stated bluntly folding my hands till my chest with a pouty look shrugging my shoulders down

He sniffed his breath with smirky voice
"Police, they all are under my pocket, so take this check and let me go!" he stated with a dark chuckle crossing his face with averting his eyes on me

"Whatever but l dont come under you, so stop this blabbering, Mr" I Said with taking a hitched on breath with continuation"

I also horned it before turning back but you didn't hear it it wasn't my mistake then say sorry! It only has 5 alphabet say it..and leave the matter" l shrugged of my shoulder completing my sentence

A disappearing figure of car left from their making me spechless yet it was only his mistake. Which made my ego on cause l was fighting with my self respect,
"In next seven janams, l will torture you" I said with backfilling my hair in bluntness I trompted my feet And getting back into my seat


Author's pov:

Ting dong***

The bell rang advi, came and opened the door, surbhi was standing waiting for her to open she was panting heavily advi took her inside seeing these the air took tense she brought a glass of water she made her drank

"Surbhi what happen why are you panting so heavily" asked advi being tensed

"Actually....adviii ...today l am going to meet my bf but l don't have proper clothes yaar will you come with me for shopping and l have to meet him in another 45 minute's " Surbhi said being emotional

"Heyy raam!!! You are disclosing today. at this time you have just 45 min hell bro !! Waittttt l guess l have a beautiful pair for you..you should try that!" Said advi in courageous tone with keeping her enthusiastic high for not being dismissive

An sheepish smile occurred on Surbhi's face"shukriya advii , you saved me today..but are you fine giving me your clothes" asked surbhi adoring her dress with the potty eyes looking at her situation

Advi gave an assuring smile to surbhi and gave her a outfit she loved that!!

"Advi This is so comfy men thank you love you yarr"said surbhi

Advi gave her a short smile, with a giggle.

"Advantika, come along with me, his one friend is also coming, meet him, also he said he is quite handome "said surbhi dramatically winking at advi which made her shocked at her with a chuckled

"No promblem but some other time I guess" advi casually said

"No but wut you need to come with me..and your this outfit is good fit for you" said surbhi convincing her

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞. Where stories live. Discover now