𝟑𝟎. 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧.

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"Then would you sign" advik didn't wanted to sign but he was helpless, he didn't had anything, the game was about the end, he can build up everything again But can't loose her, she was his support, she was his life, his day and night.

"Someone told me I would make someone kneel, who was he advik" said Rahul with the dark lagging at him with the smirk and winning excitement in his black orbs with a joker smile,

"Tanay, go out" rahul e said to him, he heard the steps near the door
A gun was tappering his head with the trigger on, anytime to put lead he felt a pluck on his head qith the sound if trigger on with the back finger making the sound,he dismissed his head in negation with the tired pouty look

"ONE LEAD RAHUL, DEAD?? WANNA EXPERIENCE???" Said her in her mostly deadly voice making rahul sigh with a mad smile covering his face While advi with a most serious face with, arching brows,  her chest boating high and low, eyes looking straight into his orbs with burnung flames if fure she kept for 3 years

Fade smile of Advik slowly turning to a huge grin with a smoky eyes happiness covered it with the proud feeling of her. Thereby he saw Tanay lying down but how??? They didn't heard anyvoices??

"This isn't a game advantika, you are toying with the gun! Get it" said Rahul in his tamed voice approaching his hands till her asking her to give

"Do l look like a fool to you?" She said with a out of breath twisting  her head left with the annoyness of his with itching feeling in her stomach

"See, your sister never used violence! Why should you, be like your sister! Hainaa??" He said with a kind yet pity look giving to her

For her it was like someone put petrol on her anger which Rahul was unaware "ahhh! So killing isn't violence according to your laws" she said with the voice throating her, voice screaming her to kill him right now but she always used torture over killing

"Understand advantika, it was nothing like that" he said with the most appealing sad voice to have pity on him

She again humorously laugh at him

"Ouuchhh" the voice vibrated the entire haveli when someone shot the bullet through hands giving him the bleed covering his entire cloth making him lift at his position keeping his hands at the wound with the squeeshy eyes.

Everyones gasped with stretched open mouth when the gun busted out with the flames of smoke still at the same position ,him being sitting on his knees

The three brothers was going to interrup but get off after his brother "ishara" "let her handle" he wispered them which they gave a nod

Another sound of bullet on his another arm making him flinch at his place with the same flames eyes crying for her sister,she was a young teenager to go through all this, she didn't have any supporter to help, she was all alone,  her family didn't supported her much, she was broken whom she tell?? Who would console her?? She remained the older daughter her the phase her mother was facing her siblings she tend to be strong fir them, she even didn't cried much even she wanted to cru her lungs out, the pain she went through , the voice with was thud between the throat not able to consume to form words

"Advan......." a dry voice of his unable to form words

"This is nothing, the slow torture l would give you, you will scream for death" a alone tear escaped her eyes with the same gun point at him with the eagerness to kill him now and now

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞. Where stories live. Discover now