37. Enaged

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Every family member of Bhavani were looking at each other as they all knew that advi is missing they have send people to find her but no clues!!

Not to make it obvious before hand they went and met with Patels with the namaste signaling between their hands joint as first advik Nilesh and Minal entered with the family at their back had some shagun of Tilak on tye forehead entering with joy and enthusiasm

Kashyap was showing them there place to sit Advik's eyes were roaming the entire mansion for just a look of hers as the water was served he was looking here and there meanwhile Vani came and sat beside her

"I know bhaiya, you want to have glance at her have patience everyone is noticing you" Said Vani and advik's cheeks started flowing blood which turned to blush ,like anything today he was not able to consume himself he was feeling butterflies for the very first time he felt nervousness again for HER his hands posture which where calm was getting eager to look her his eyes were asking for peace which was she, he was happy everything is going smooth the feelings he was feeling was not in his control he was at the peak to broke out of happiness. For the first time he was feeling happy but he don't know how to show his happiness the words were not forming. He is eager as hell now to meet her but a unknowing feeling is disturbing him.

Cause he knows if he entered she would come to balcony to atleast look at him her aura her presence is enough to notice advik if She is present but nothing her fragrance and near him. Till then Minal ask..

"Vevan! Amari vau kya che, advik ne jovanu bauj man thaye ru" Said Minal looking at advik which he chuckled and his throat become dried the words lost his support

(Samdhan ji, where is our daughter-in-law,  advik is eager to meet)

Everyone giggle looking at his face as he also didn't spoke anything he was smiling throwing his teeth out! His smile was not at his control he tried to control consumed himself but the smile eager Ness was making him out of control he finally fighting hard to himself atlast he accepted people in love smile like idiots when they didnt expected a girl came and made them change he was taking the entire attention. He bowed his head down to prevent people looking at him with this madness of love he is!

Everyone noticed him how he was feeling shy and preventing them to look at him, they where happy he was internally feeling cured and no one tried to ask him or tease they knew right now the feeling he is at let him take the nervousness at his hold. He is expearencing everything new that's why no one interupted him. But A thought still interrupting him but he ignored that not be true so let him excuse himself as he saw some of his buissness partners

"Hello Mr. Advik" said Manas hand shaking him meanwhile advik passed him a smile.

"Hello Mr. Singh, how's your boxing going on?" Asked advik with same fame topic

"Good progress" Manas said taking sip of drink

"BTW where is your fiance?" Asked Manas out of blue

Advik was well prepared untill and unless they saw advantika they will ask him the same questions

"What say! She is getting ready" said advik in his antics to act normal

If was 7 in the evening still advantika was no were seen this was making sweats high of Bhavani's and the anger of Kashyap was crossing his peak he was giving deadly glares to Kanta which she was ignoring and scared off

Advik patience got off at time as well as patels everyone started asking for advantika's presence many of them asked is everything alright or she ran off from.the wedding many rumors started as she wasn't found. The rumors which were heard by advik made him twisted his hand he trusted her but he didn't trusted her family

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