50. train

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Happiest birthday to my lovely readers!!!! 🫶❤️💋✨️lysm, aaj Mera 5 readers ke bday hai, that's why a chp
For my lovlies🤭💋☺️✨️💌



"It's just 3 hours left and you are still at the office?huhh!!, can't you come home early?" My beloved voice shouted on the call, and here l was smiling

"You are smiling? I am saying something advik" it looks so good. When someone is waiting for you at home, and you just finished your work before time to spend time for her!

Why does everything feels so perfect nowadays? -cause everything is complete

"Where is your bhabhi?" I asked to dheer

He pointed towards the kitchen, l know what she must be preparing, l tip toed my legs and entered kitchen

She doesn't know my presence, l was standing at her back, she smells so good like the frgrance of lavender

As she turned and bumped on my chest as the word "ahh" turning out l brushed my lips on her, one hand at her back and the another at platform, she didn't missed out to continue as the kiss was soft our lips moved with the slow rhythm, she tangled her hands on the neck, as the smile was craved on both of our lips

"Sorry, we didn't see anything" four voice echoed rolling my eyes on them

Why do they poke their nose every now and then

She stepped back at their voice as our lips parted~which l regretted, she must be all red with the small tint of it on her nose, and she turned towards the stove and closed it taking her way to the room

I turned towards who were planing to vanish in seconds

"Stop" l voiced out and their feet stopped

I took my steps towards them, l was in the mood, why they wanted to--

"If you guys, are going to disturb us then forget that you can become chacha and bua" l looked at them folding my hands at my chest with a smirk

Ofcs! I didn't wanted to take them, but advi said the words and l need to support her as she wasn't wrong but still--

There eyes turned to big doe eyes and l shrugged my shoulders at them and took the steps towards the room

Till then a 4 voiced roared
I knew it

And l stopped my feet as l heard tej Vani dheer and ishita taking steps

"We won't disturb you guys, you continue whatever you want but don't forgot us to make chacha and chachi" tej said and ishita and dheer nodded

As if he is saying something important, l left a cloudy chuckled on them

"And me bua" said Vani with sheepish smile

I didn't uttered anything for a brief second and left from there. I entered the room

"Are you ready?" I asked her as she was dropping the saree

Why she is wearing saree? She can were jeans too

"Why are you wearing saree?" I asked again and she made an contact through mirror as l was thrown my coat on bed

"At its place"

"Okayy" I pick up the coat and again throwed somewhere else, did l told you that she doesn't like mess up things, and thus for things l got a good scolding of 3p minutes

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