36. new?

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It was 10 in the morning l know l woke up too much late but as l came late from office that's why l woke up from my bed throwing duvet aside l rubbed my eyes looking at the girl who was inside the photo frame smiling with her teeth showing to be honest l kept her picture infront of me as l wake up the first person l must see the face must be hers my wifeeyyss.! Standing asked l looked at mirror with the smiled covered on my face as today we are finally going to get engaged and in few days marriage. This thought were gliding on my head but her thought about her staying at Bhavani mansion didn't laid me rest cause that house never treated her well, l don't know how her days are spending when we were on call l was about to ask but till then Khushi called her at that when she smile l thought everything is well but a sudden feeling is disturbing me like something went wrong yesterday with her or just my assumptions

Wrapping around the thoughts l went to shower decending down in my shirt and blazer  and pants correctly l am going to office workload is too much as for few days she was at hospital, kidnapped much things happend lately so workload is keeping my standards high right now

"Goodmorning saheb zade!" Maa said with a smile

"Good morning everyone" l retorted to them as babuji were reading newspaper and dadi looking at trays of sweets which are going at Bhavani mansion according to shagun.

Vinarika came running towards me hugged me halfly, her behavior is becoming better day by day l am happy for her, her excitement for marriage rituals is at another level

"Where are you going?" She asked

"Office" l retorted

She made a face at me "today is your engagement right?"

"Yeah ofcs" l said agreeing

"Then why are you going, there are tons of work at home do that!" She complaint me with her hands at her hips. I guess l am going to get two complaint boxes after Vani is HER

she was arguing when l was argreeing she is stubborn afterall she is my sister! I signed in defeat but she promised me that l can work at my study room but not office today and nodded at her wish and went to study room after ordering the breakfast

Tons of files on pc and laptop which today should be done or tomorrow after that l would be able to spend my whole week with her after marriage. I was so engrossed in work I didn't knewed when time skipped at it 4 l saw the watch and my turned saucer eyes, as we have our engagement at 7 we need to reach there 5.30 or 6, before l stepped out they bulged in the the heavy ups and down of breath

"What happend, why you are breathing abnormal?" I asked getting tensed and all of them entered

"Bhaii" keshwi was signing not able to voice

"What keshwii, tell fast" my curiosity reached it's peak and l was going to Say anything happend to her again or what but Mirav spoke..

"Bhaii someone has come down please come fast" Mirav spoke l got scared at his tone

"Who are those? Where is maa and pappa and everyone" l asked

"They had went at temple" manasvi spoke

"Bhaii don't ask questions please let's ho down first" vanshi said.

I know l am asking too much right now but they aren't telling the reason who came, why they aren't answering the questions

"Where is Vani?" I askdd as l noticed she isn't there in this type of matter she yells first.

"Wo bhaii-- that man has kept Vani with her and we came to approach you" spilled manasvi scaring

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