45. Peheli rasoi

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I was descending off the stairs there l heard bickering over the table with loud voices talking with each other hifing each other

As l came near dinning room the voice stopped as usual, I don't like talking while having food, l grab my seat looking here and there, she is no where seen where she went

"Bhaii, had fun?" Asked tej with wiggling his eyebrows of nowhere
Yeah I know it was fun showering with her, cuddling her

"She is in the kitchen" Said Dadi looking at my flustered state

Everyone head swap towards me with a teasing grin and l nodded at them, they don't leave a chance to tease me but whatever to say l am happy

"A while ago you all were talking and why suddenly stopped,anything happend?" She came outside the kitchen with spatula and knife in her hands Aprin tied. Low bun cascaded her hair she was looking so cute in that, her palu tied at her waist, mangalsutra everythingit was like it was only made for her!!!!

I was drowned out when Vani spoke eyeing me "bhabhi, bhai don't like to speak while eating" she said with pouty look and nextly advi deadly glared at me,
What l did now!, why she is looking at me with that look but she is looking tempting hot by the way as her small locked blocking her view with her long eyelashes brown orbs

"Whats wrong with talking" Advi asked firmly coming near me with her one hand with spacula and the another hand aiming knife at me

Her moodwings is at the peak God, l gulped down keeping her hand with knife down
"talk, l never Said they can't talk, Talk how much you want, who l am to tell them talk" I said looking at knife taking from her hand

She arched her one eyebrow at me
"Are you taunting them?" Asked advi now with spatula in her hands

"Nooo, l am not taunting them, am l taunting you guys?" I said looking at her and then swiftly at my clan they nodded yes at first l glared at them before advi looked them they nodded fastly

"Why are you worring! What did you make chand" I asked changing the topic with a sign, she smiled at my question with her one flicks opening up from her tucked hairs, l tucked behind her ears again she smiled with a tiniest blush seen on her cheeks

"That's a surprise for you, l am coming within minutes" she assured me and left inside the kitchen

I left a heavy sign later, and looked upwards to only find wiggling eyebrows, teasing smiles, controlling laughs

I will see you later at office I know she is having moodswings thats why you guys are safe

"Bhabhi ka khoff" Vani spilled and all the laughter shook the table including maa pappa, dadi too

"Bhai was sluttering so hard you saw?" Said dheer catching up his stomach laughing ass off

"Exaclty! And what bhabhi's one look is enough for bhai" tej spread on the table lauging

I was ignoring them, ruko beta tumhara bhi time aayega

"Tej, wait let Ishita come " I said and he became all silent and l made a smirk which he gave duh look

"Here is the breakfast, sorry if l got late" why she is sorry, she shouldn't make the breakfast if her stomach is paining or headache why she is making

"Bhabhi, you made what we told, we wanted to tease you that's why, why did you took so much pressure " said dheer looking at plate

They do have concern for her, l felt good inside my heart, they are feeling comfortable around her

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