Chapter 9: Reminiscence

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Several weeks had passed since my introduction to the squad. I had more or less been accepted by everyone but they still saw me as a rookie who got lucky. I didn't disagree because they were right. I had indeed gotten lucky and I was extremely grateful for it. I was well acquainted with several of my superiors. Captain Levi was a hardass who had an unusual obsession with cleanliness, Miche was the Commander's right-hand man who had a good nose when it came to Titans, and last but not least, there was Section Commander Hange.

She was by far the craziest person I'd met. She was obsessed with Titan biology to the point of borderline insanity. The day we'd met was one of the most stressful days of my life because of how energetic and enthusiastic she was.


I was sweeping the stables after a grueling training exercise when Miche appeared. I stopped what I was doing and wiped the sweat from my brow before approaching him.

Y/n: Something I can do for you, Section Commander?

Miche: Commander Erwin sent me to tell you that there's someone he'd like you to meet.

Y/n: Okay. I'll finish up here and report to him immediately.

Miche: Good man. Be seein' you, kid.

Y/n: Yeah, see you.

I quickly finished sweeping and put all of the cleaning supplies away. While I washed my hands I thought about who the Commander wanted me to meet. I wondered if it was anyone important, like a higher-up or a noble of sorts. I hoped it wasn't the latter because, in my personal experience, nobles and merchants alike were cocky assholes who believed they were to be handed the world if they wanted it. They commanded respect from everyone around them and went around treating those they commanded respect from like trash. I hated people like that.

I dried my hands with a cloth and headed inside the main compound. I heard voices coming from the common room as I drew closer. One of them was a highly energetic woman's voice, which surprised me. I opened the door and walked inside, drawing everyone's attention.

Erwin: Glad you could make it Y/n.

Y/n: Miche said you wanted me to meet someone?

Erwin: Yes. This is Section Commander Zoe Hange, our chief expert on Titan anatomy, biology, and behavior.

A woman of medium height, shoulder-length dark brown hair, and glasses walked forward, offering me her hand.

Hange: So you're the fresh meat everyone's been talking about huh? I gotta say, you're better than I expected

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Hange: So you're the fresh meat everyone's been talking about huh? I gotta say, you're better than I expected.

Y/n: And what were you expecting?

Hange: Someone young and nerdy who coasted by with only their smarts, but learning that you not only aced your exams but also ODM training has me positively giddy with excitement.

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