Chapter 22

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(Lassie POV)

I heard Shawn yelling downstairs, I just woke up..

I rushed down, almost tripping.

"Stop, please don't touch him!" He yelled as he was sleeping. he was having another nightmare but he's never spoken out loud.

"Stop! It's me you want!" He kicked his leg

"Shawn wake up!" I yelled shaking him.

"Stop don't" he said moving his arm in front of his face

"Shawn? Shawn... Tyler wake up" I yelled shaking him real hard. I rarely call him by his real name...

He jumped awake, literally, and fell to the floor. I tried to grab him but he went so fast.

"You okay? you were having a nightmare again and i-" I asked but he cut me off as i helped him up

"It's okay- I uh- it's fine" he said looking at his shirt he was covered in sweat, worst I've seen him.

"Are u sure, they have been happening a lot, but-"

"Yea I'm fine I just need a shower" he said as he walked by me i knew he wasn't fine

"Shawn, I know you're not okay" I said following as he was half way up the stairs.

He stopped, let out a sigh.

"it's the dreams babe, it's too much, I never explain them because u truly don't wanna know them" he turned and went upstairs.

I beg him to tell me his dreams, I want to help but that part he just wont open the door too.

I went up stairs myself to get dressed, walking by the bathroom I could hear the water running. I tried the door. Locked.

He's only locked the door a few times... I'll give him his space.

I went to our bed and laid back down.

Looking up at the ceiling

Im so worried ... so so terrified

I turned, looking at the picture of us a year ago, on our wedding day.

The best day of our lives

I smiled and pulled the covers up more.


I heard the shower turn off and a little bit later Shawn entered the room. I laid there acting asleep, he's never questioned it.

I felt him sit on the bed.

I peeked my eye open
He had his face in his hands.
I think I heard him let out a small cry...


I decided to kinda roll over facing away from him...
Too see what he would do..

After a few minutes he reached over and touched my leg. Squeezing a bit I heard him sigh.
"I love you" he said before getting up

My heart panicked, I didn't move, he couldn't know I was awake.

Maybe he's just getting up to get something?

I laid there after a while I turned over again so I could watch him slightly.

After about 20 mins Shawn returned. Glass of water in one hand and something cupped in the other.

Shawn what are u doing

He sat down and placed everything on the night stand

"Fuck" he said getting up, I peeked he wasn't in the room.

I leaned over to see what was on the night stand.

2 sleeping pills and 2 I didn't recognize.

I heard his footsteps coming up so I laid back down.

I felt him sit back on the bed.

Taking his drink,
I knew he took all 4.
What were them other pills...

He got into bed and cuddled me.

I love you shawn

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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