chapter 4

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My head pounded as i slowly peeled open my eyes. I was instantly assaulted with a bright beam of light directly into my eyes, blinding me momentarily as i attempt to scour the place with just my eyes while also trying to adjust to the light.
My vision still foggy, i sit up and search further into the room. I braced my hand behind me as i realize i wasn't in the forest anymore. My first thought was if my sister came for me, found me and took me home but soon realized that was a no blow as this room looked far to fancy for whatever we lived in. Suddenly, a figure waltzed into the room looking down on me with a bright smile. I stared into her eyes before taking in her features, Long cherry hair reaching down to her hips, nice figure and a dress that fits snug around her curves, the dress had embroided flowers and crowns dug into it, her soft pink eyes and overall just a pretty face. Rings fit tight around her fingers as she leans against the door frame with her hands entwined together.

“Hello.” She spoke. Her voice hushed as she leans further down the frame, while very obviously ogling me.
“Hi.” I responded in a tight whisper. All i could feel was her eyes tracing me while my  cheeks flame with embarrassment as she continues to eye me.
“Whats your name?” She walked towards me and sat on the end of the bed, placing her hand over the quilt making tiny little creases.
I open my mouth to answer but nothing comes out as my breath gets caught in my throat. She smiled up at me as my lips pull into a thin, tight line.
“ My names Angelica.” I rasp as vomit climbs its way up my throat. I gasp and run to the -hopefully- bathroom in the room. To my luck, it was and i  pulled my braid out my face as i let the vomit fall from my throat. I lean over the toilet and gag out the remnants before stumbling out the room with a very confused stranger looking at me.
“i guess it would be fair if i say mine aswell.” she whispered approaching me.
I nod my head and look up at her.
“Rylie.” “Rylie Priestly.” Her fingers lap my wrist as she leads me towards the bed, Laying me down and placing the blanket over me keeping me warm.
“You need sleep, my dear. You hit your head very harshly on the floor and caused a lot of damage” i blink up at her, my eyebrows pinched together.
“My dear?” I questioned as she stares into my eyes, her own softening.
“I really hope you don't mind that name, Angelica.” She leaned in closer and lifted her hands and braces them on my cheeks, warming them slightly before pulling away. I huff at the loss of heat and she chuckles softly before stepping outside the frame and closing the door behind her.

I stare up at the ceiling contemplating what i'm going to do once i can properly stand without feeling like i'm going to chuck my guts up or fainting. I cant stay here, i know that. My family needs the information. Panic engulfed me whole as i realized i no longer had the vile in my grip and its no where in the room. I fling myself up into a sitting position and instantly regret it as i ran straight for the toilet again.

I crept to the door preparing my speech to ask where the hell the vile of blood was without seeming like i wanted to murder her and place hers with it.
The one thing i hadn't realized when she was in the room was her ears. They were shaped like an elfs, A razor sharp pointed tip that went softer near the edges. I also noticed that she looked nothing like the thing that attacked me in the forest. I sighed and wrapped my fingers around the door knob, twisting it slightly until it clicked and stepped out the room.

A lamp lit up the hallway as i paced towards all of the rooms in sight. My arms felt detatched and agonizing. My whole body ached as i reached the top of the stair case and slowly trudged down into the dark of the i assume whats meant to be a living room. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, The top of a head came into view over the sofa and Rylie peers over the hedge and smiles up at me before pushing herself out the seat and waltzing towards me.
Her hands cup her hips as she stand infront of me, Staring into my eyes. Her smile growing wider.
“Whats wrong?” She asked softly before stepping closer and placing her finger under the chin and lifting my head, my gaze meeting hers.
“Wheres that vile i had?” i respond and she slowly backs up and unhooks her finger. She leaned towards a drawer, Pulling it open and wraps her fingers around something before plucking it out and handing it to me.
“There.” I smiled at her as i clasp my fingers around it and begin to walk back towards the stairs. Suddenly, A hand lay atop my shoulder. Pulling me backwards.
I spin on the ball off my heel to face her and she places her other hand against my cheek, rubbing soft circles into them.
“You are really pretty, you know that?” She cooed and rips her other hand from my shoulder, placing it on my other cheek. She leaned back, Smiling still as she makes eye contact.
My cheeks flush a vibrant pink at her words and clasp my hands together infront of me. “Thank you.” my voice wavered near the end and she slowly drops her hands and pressed her fingers against my stomach, turning me and ushering me upstairs.
“Go back to bed, you look like a fae who just got a stick stuck up their bottom.” She snorted as she closed the door to the bedroom as soon as i got in there. My hand covered my mouth in an attempt to muffle my giggles while placing the vile down onto the desk. I grip the back of the chair pulling it backwards and falling into it with a thud.

Sighing, I place my hands atop the surface and scrape any dust splaying itself as to not damage any blood that may drip onto the table when either plucking the top off, a bit flying out when pouring, etc.
I wrapped my hands around the vile and clutched it tight as my other hands gripped the cap, attempting to pull it out but failing. Groaning, I picked out the emergency tweezers I placed into the satchel for -obviously- emergencies.
I wrapped the tweezers around the cap and plucked hard until the cap came flying off and landing with a thump at the end of the table. Shakily, I lift the vile and balance the cup on the other one. The blood dripped into the cup with ease, to my luck. My eyes squeeze closed, and purple clouds the darkness, and my eyes snap open.  My head falls back, and I slump on the edge of the chair.

My eyes peeled open as I realized that I'd fallen asleep and prepared to lift myself from the chair but I as I place my hands onto the 'wood' all I feel is a soft cushion and could only assume Rylie had found her sleeping and placed her in bed and wrapped her in a blanket.
I moan and rush to the bathroom to use the toilet but as soon as I closed the bathroom door I came face to face with my reflection and realized that I was in fully new clothes -Pajamas- and not the battledress I had on before. I scratched my temple in silent thought. Realisation washed over me as the only explanation was that Rylie had changed me. A girl i had known for less than 24 hours changed me. It also occurred to me that this was a complete stranger. More importantly, a faerie. I shivered and quickly rushed out the bathroom and my room and stormed my way to wherever the hell that faerie could be.

"What the hell!" I yelled across the room from Rylie.
"Woah woah, calm down, Angelica." She replied hastily walking towards me.
She braced a hand over my left shoulder.
"What's bothering you, dear?" Rylie asked, staring at me.
"Alot! The most bothering one is that you changed me!" Rylie snorted but attempted to cover it with a cough. It was very obviously a snort, but I chose to ignore it.
"Well, you looked quite uncomfortable, and you do have quite a nice bo-" Rylie was cut off with my hand clasped around her lips and her features contorted into what could only be amusement.

"You have got to get used to my personality soon,angel. I'm sure you will anyway."
My eyebrows lowered. "What?"
She chuckles and says, "You will be living with me from now on, and before you object, my dear. You have no choice. We are not on faerie lands anymore."
fear plasters into my system as she spoke.
"Where are we then?" I shudder against her touch.
"Hallows crest."

My eyes widen and strain as she explains. Her hand drifts from my shoulder to my cheek, and her thumb brushes against my cheek as she smiles down at me. I will admit. She is very pretty and fairly attractive, but a mortal and faerie living in a home together? That would just not work. Surely Rylie would just get sick of me one day and stick a sword through my abdomen and be done with it.

As if Rylie could hear my thoughts, she jolts me out of my head by running her finger along my lip.

"Sure, a faerie can live with a human.  And I find you fairly attractive too, Angelica." My breath hitches as I lean back.
" you-"
"I can read minds? By choice yes. It takes alot of my strength, tragically."
She continues.
"And, its not like i just want to live with you. And I most certainly do not want to stab you in the stomach and 'be done with it.' " Rylie mocks.

She drifts her thumb along my bottom lip and pulls it open before pulling away, a wave of emptiness crashes into me as I trace her with my eyes as she heads up stairs.

The last thing I hear is a low chuckle and a door being thrown closed.

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