Chapter 10

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White, hot searing pain shoots up my side as her calf collides with my waist.
Loosing my footing, my legs get wiped from under me and I land onto the wet ground with a loud thud.
Latching my fingers into the grass, I groan as I pull my self up to a sit and rub my side, which is aching from how harshly the fall was.

She smiles at me and extends a hand, I gladly take it and pull myself from the ground.
“I would suggest picking up your dagger, darling.”  She smirked.
“An enemy would have took the chance and stole it.”
I nod and swiftly lean down to pluck the dagger from where it landed.
Wincing as I stand back up, I stride back over to my place.

“Now.” She places her finger on her lip in thought,
“That stance.. an enemy has very good access to the delicate parts of your figure. Madame.” I purse my lips and sigh.
“Do I have permission to.. alter your pose?”
I nod and allow her to wrap her hands around my arm and torso.
Once she’s done she strides to face me and take in her work.

Once satisfied she smiles.
I grin and lock my body into position.
“Now, try and attack me. Based on your body proportions I shall give you tips as best as I can.”

Locking my fingers around the hilt of the dagger, I dart towards her, whipping my dagger out to try and nick her arm like I did on our first meeting.
She makes some kind of tut sound.
“Aleady seen that one, mademoiselle.”
I could practically hear the smile in her voice and it grated against my mind, making me snarl as she locks my hands behind my back.

I kick my leg out, managing to kick her knee back. A gasp escapes from her as she stumbles back a bit, giving me the escape route I need. Wrestling out her hold, I stand facing her now, my breathing heavy.

She smiles and slowly claps her hands.
“You have good force in your kicks. That’s useful in battle.”
Bracing my hands along my knees, I manage to catch my breath, heaving slightly.
A hand softly lays upon my shoulder.
“Never fought before?”
A chuckle follows.

I scowl, dropping my arms at my side.
“I haven’t been able to.”
Lifting my head, I turn to look at her.
Smiling, her hand tightened around my shoulder, swiftly spinning me to face her, A gasp escapes me as my balance stutters.

Her arms wrap around my upper body, balancing me against her arm. I grit my teeth to sooth the urge to scream in frustration.
Her fingers tighten on my shoulder and she leans down to my ear.
“That’s not very good, is it?”
I stare at her out the corner of my eye, hoping she would just burst into flames.

“I’m about ready to knee you in the groin.”
I spit through gritted teeth and she purses her lips, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
“Why don’t you try?”
She teases and I seized my hands around my dagger and lift my knee up in the direction of her groin.

She knocks my knee away. Resulting in me on the floor. Halfway in the splits.
I gasp out in pain and cradle my inner thigh and clamp my eyes shut.
“We need to work on your strength.”
She states, her features going back to her usual, emotionless state.
I murmur, still smoothing my palm over my stretched thigh.

Her eyes trail down my body, her hair whipping at her face.
She extends her hand,
“Take it.”
She mutters, and i gladly do.

My leg gives out and I land straight on my knee, sending searing pain buzzing up to my waist and pressure builds behind my eyes.
Suddenly, a pair of arms wrap under my arms—lifting me to my feet.
Her hands wrap around my Injured thigh, keeping it above the ground. My muddied skirt bunched up against my thigh.
Wrapping my hand around a tree branch, she sets me against the trunk.
Her gaze drifts to my thigh and calf. Examining.

“Can you lean up against this while I grab something to heal that leg of your with?”
She looks at me expectantly.
I nod slowly, letting my hand drift from the branch to the trunk.

Watching her figure slowly disappear from sight, I slide down the bark. Feeling the bark rub against my skin, I wince in pain, feeling the wood dig into my skin, potentially drawing blood.

Pulling my legs up to my chest, I let my hand drift down to my knees, resting my chin on my thighs.

Suddenly, a blinding light appears in front of me and on instinct I  bring my hands up to my eyes.
A soft hand caresses mine, pulling my hands from my eyes.
“And who may you be?”
Holding eye contact, I willed my mouth to stay shut.

Her eyebrow raises  and she smirked.
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
Her voice is low and slow.
I whispered and her smirk turned into a smile.
“Not so bad, is it?”
Her gaze softened and her hand tightens around mine, her silver earrings glistening in the moonlight.
“Mines Vesperia. But my friends and peers call me Selene.”
I smile up at her and wince as I accidentally put pressure onto my Injured leg.
Her smile instantly drops and her gaze lands on my Injured thigh and she frowns.
She lifts her free hand to glide over the bare skin of my thigh.
“Fight training.”
My voice straining with pain.
She shakes her head and brings her hands to my thigh, applying pressure.

A burst of power sizzles in my blood and my eyes widen at the sensation, the pain of the injury slowly disintegrating.

She mutters and I nod.
“A shame Rylie found you before anyone else could.”
My eyes drift up to meet hers, but she’s staring off into the distance.
She looks at me.
“Not much else to say.”
Raising her hand to meet mine again, she drifts it over to her lips. Planting a tiny kiss onto the back off my hand.

A chilly breeze spreads across my face as she withdraws from my body, dropping my hand slowly. Affectionatly.
My eyes drop from her face as she leans to stand.
“Keep what I said in mind.”
She whispers.
“I shall visit as soon as I can. You can consider me a friend.”

She stands fully this time, throwing me a glance over her shoulder as she walks away, the light appearing again.

As soon as the light dissipates, I slump against the trunk.

A heavy breath escapes me, my shoulders slumping, grass crunching underneath boots sound behind me.

“I’m back.”
My trainer calls from behind the tree, I step to get up and she pushes me down to inspect my thigh and her eyes narrow.
“Its not swollen anymore?”
Her gaze averts.
“Okay then.”
She stands once more.

“Go home. We have done enough today.”
Her hand goes to her shoulder, and her head twists from mine.

I nod, and begin to trek back through the forest.

The heavy metal doors swing shut as I stride through the hall, my brown-tipped skirt trailing behind me as I walk up the stairs.

As soon as i get up the stairs, I’m met with Rylies torso.
I gasp and hold onto the railings, trying not to fall back down the stairs.

“Where have you been?”
Her eyebrow raises as she begins walking towards me.
“A walk.”
I whisper, trying not to swat my slick, sweaty hair out my eyes.

She hums.
“We can discuss this in the morning.”
Her hands clasp behind her back.
She seethes, side stepping me as I begin walking to my room.

Thorns Of Inferno- A sapphic NovelWhere stories live. Discover now