Chapter 46

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Gabriel's POV

"What the fuck is he doing?" I say to myself, watching Arturo get out of his truck, entering Tito's for the second time this week with a cholo I've never seen before.

The way I've been keeping an eye on this motherfucker you'd think I was his babysitter, I've probably seen the pendejo more than Carmen this week.

Yawning I lean back in my seat, reclining it slowly so I'm less visible. If I wanted to be a PI I would've given up this cartel shit a while ago- I don't know why J picked me of all people to do this job, I'm the most impatient fucker I know. Maybe he's starting to trust me again, or maybe he has no other choice. Daniel and Arturo are close, it makes sense, a business man and lawyer would be- so he couldn't ask him. Pedro is too inexperienced and honestly too loud to do the job, Arturo would spot that rapunzel haired ass mothefucker from across the lot.

Fernando and Carloz would shoot him on site if they thought he was playing dirty, and probably cut his body up beyond recognition too like they did with Breo's ex- they practically get off on that shit, sick fucks. Alejandro can barely remember his own birthday half the time so he's a write off too- he needs to lay off the weed for real.

Last option or not, J is my brother, even if he's too jaded to see that shit right now. I just hope if worst comes to worst he'll see that whatever I do, I've done for his own good, or at least thought it was.

Arturo walks out of the bar alone, with a bag in his hand, talking crazy to someone on the phone.

I watch him pause in front of the building, looking around the him before continuing, I lower my head immediately. It's dark as fuck but I'm not taking any chances. Suddenly my phone starts to ring, loudly, with my phone connected to the speakers.

"Shit." I say to myself, declining the unknown number immediately, now isn't the fucking time.

Raising my head slowly I see him starring right at me, or at my car at least, walking closer before a cholo calls out from behind him, getting into his truck not long after.

"Fuck." I hit the steering wheel in frustration, "What the hell does he want from me now." I think to myself, accepting the unknown call as it rings again while I start to drive home, I'm definitely done for the day.


"Ay I'll be a minute." I say before pausing my game, turning my headset mic up before checking my phone.

"Why the fuck is he calling?" I say to myself, letting the call ring to voicemail before seeing the name 'Arturo' pop up on my screen again. I already know what he's going to say, so there's no point in answering the dirty pendejo. Once he puts together that J and the rest of the Siete don't trust him who knows what he'll do, and I'm not trying to get caught in the crossfire- especially if it's got anything to do with Saco. I'll always hold my own, and the rest of the Siete too. J and I have been in this shit together since we were in high school- but getting gunned down like like a bitch in front of his girl is not how I wanna go, and that's exactly how that psycho moves.

I've seen Arturo when he gets defensive and it's crazy, honestly he should be gunning down motherfuckers with Carloz and Fernando instead of playing suits, they're all perfect for each other.

The phone rings again and Carmen calls from the shower. "Aren't you gonna get that?"

"Yeah sorry, one second mami." I respond so she can hear me over the water, finally giving in.

"Yeah?" I answer nonchalantly, trying not to think about how badly I've fucked things up. The moment one of your own thinks you don't trust him it's over, you can't come back from it, that's why J wanted to keep all this shit quiet. I sigh for a moment, hearing nothing from the phone while I wait for a response. If J wanted quiet he should've hired quiet. Maybe with all the loving he's getting from Breo he won't care as much as I think he will.

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