Chapter 27

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Breo's POV

I slow my pace as I reach the corner of another street, holding onto my side in an effort to soothe the sharp pain spreading below my ribs. No matter how much I run it feels like J's house is right behind me, like I'll blink and find myself still standing in that room, paralysed with the thought of what's behind that door- feeling like I can never leave.

Still out of breath my running turns to a slow jog, eventually becoming a slow walk once I realise my body can't take any more movement. Turning into another street I take in my surroundings, searching for any markers that'll let me know where I am. I was so caught up in escaping I didn't plan where I was running to, or how I would get a taxi to even get to the bus station. Sighing in frustration I continue to pass through the somewhat rural residential area I've now found myself in.

I walk for what feels like hours, stepping along to the loud tempo of my heart beating in my ears before arriving at an overpass.

The sound of loud cars speeding by make me seize up, and I take a deep breath before walking to the overpass railing, gripping the concrete ledge so tightly my palms become red.

Shielding my eyes from the wind I squint and look ahead of me, noticing a cluster of lit up buildings not too far from me. I let go of the railing in one quick breath, turning away from the ledge quickly before walking in the direction of the buildings I've just seen.

As I approach the lit up street my throat starts to feel tight, clutching onto my chest I continue to walk, feeling my stomach twist in knots as I start to get out of breath. Reaching into my pocket I feel around for tiny pooh bear, but he's nowhere to be found.

Stopping in my stride I place my hands in both jacket pockets, hoping he will appear out of thin air. My breathing becomes more sporadic as I pull off my backpack immediately, rummaging through its contents before breaking down into tears, I can't believe I forgot him. I turn towards the street behind me, contemplating going back to get him, he's my only friend.

All feelings of self preservation leave my body but my body stays on autopilot, continuing to walk towards the lit up street with tears still streaming down my face, unsure of what to do.

I wipe my eyes with the back of my hands to un-blur my vision and make my way into the first shop I see, circling each aisle while wiping my never ending tears in an attempt to pull myself together before reaching the counter. The cashier stands with her back turned, watching the news on the monitor above her- I don't think she even heard me enter the store. I stand still, scanning the counter in the hopes that she'll turn around soon enough. A minute or so passes before she turns to reach for an item on the shelf next to her, jumping slightly once she sees me in her peripheral.

"S-Sorry." Is all I could manage to say, realising I probably freaked her out.

"It's fine." She says with a smile, moving her pretty braids over her shoulder so they were off the counter. "How can I help you?" She continues.

I stand still, glancing over her badge which had the name 'Destini' written on the front in marker.

"Hello? Are you okay?" She asks again, and I begin to feel both frustrated and overwhelmed, unable to get the words I need out.

I take a deep breath and speak. "Taxi." I pause to gain some courage and elaborate, "Are there taxi's here?"

I keep my head down after I finish speaking, not needing to look up to know how she's looking at me, it's all too familiar, she can tell I'm not normal, that something is wrong with me.

"We don't have any taxi's here but I can call a taxi service for you." I watch her hand's move some items away from the middle of the counter, her long pink acrylic nails clacking against the table top as she does so.

"Yes, please." Is all I can manage to say, before telling her where I need to go and paying the fare in advance while she calls the service.

I didn't have to stand outside for too long before the car she called for me arrived. The journey was completed in silence, but that still didn't stop me from replaying today's events in my head. I close my eyes and think of tiny pooh bear all alone in that room. He's my best friend, I don't know how I'll ever get him back.

"Excuse me Ma'am, we're here." My head turns to the driver as he speaks, turning back to the window I'm leaning against to see we really are at the bus station.

I give him a small smile and step out of the vehicle, picking up my bag after me, "Thank you."

He nods as I close the car door before driving away, leaving me standing in front of the station while the cold nights air hits my face.

I pull out my phone and call my dad again, hoping he's still close enough to pick me up. The call rings through to voicemail and worry begins to take over, did I take too long to get here?

Still standing in the cold I see my phone light up with another text.

"Are you at the bus station?" -Unknown

I respond immediately.

"Yes dad."

A moment or two passes and I start to get nervous, so I call him again. Maybe I can give him directions.

I tap his number the line starts to ring. An unfamiliar ringtone sounding behind me not long after the call starts.

Turning in confusion I freeze in fear, my hand instinctively clutching my chest to soothe the overwhelming lump in my throat.

"Hey Baby, where you been?" He questions as he walks towards me.

"N-Nathan?" I question, using all the courage I have in me to take a few steps back. I didn't need to look around to know it was just us here, running away won't do anything- I should've known he was going to find me.

"No no don't do that." He whispers calmly as I step back again, quickly running out of sidewalk. "Come here." He continues, eyes still blank as he looks at me.

Standing still I shake my head. I know I can't run but I can't bring myself to go to him, not after last time.

"Don't. Make me repeat myself." The word 'don't' seethes out through his clenched teeth and I flinch, surprised at how long it's taking me to accept my fate. He's going to kill me like he always said he would. I quickly wipe my tears and walk towards him slowly.

"Let's go." He says, grabbing me aggressively by the upper arm as he practically drags me to his car.

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