𝟓. 𝐂𝐞𝐨.

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When advik annouce her as his friend she giggled at his persnality that he is kind but egoistic,has gentlemen virtues but ego first envisaging more in these thoughts. She was smiling gigling like a fool it didn't got unnotice by advik he was looking at her with his lovely doe eyes she was looking indeed beautiful while smiling the weak sunlight was splashing on her face giving her an another shine..which made her look more adorable

They both are unknowingly attracted to each other advik is not able to cop up is he in love with her or just attracted but the way she holds everything her boldness her way of talking everysingle thing related to her makes her unique

While advi was also attracted or in love with him she has never experienced such a great pull towards anbody but advik hits different to her she likes that..he is supportive..he stands for her when that man was abusing her he takes care of her as she is a responsibility to him..he is a true gentlemen also in the train she was scrambling up in the train he stood behind her so no one can touch her which gave a sense of security to her

"Why are you looking at me in these way" asked advi with sqeeshy eyes

"What do you mean by these way l see every people with the same eyes" advik said in dry tone

She nodded no in response while he got confuse

"Guys are you both done huh!!" Said Ashish with an upcoming way

"MARRIED COUPLE "smirked surbhi giggling, cupping her mouth

"They are shit people surbhi ignore them there's nothing we can do to change there mere thoughts" said advi in sad ignoring tone, as she was tired and already know this

"Absolutely right,you should ignore this type of shit people, so many other cases come up of giving abuses " Said advik giving a taunt to advi

She gave glared at him..which he gladly accepted it

She intenaly argued herself " l was knowing that this man can't leave without giving taunts"

"Guys stop it now and let's get the ticket by vinay" said aashish

(Vinay is a train ticketer he buys the ticket before and sells at high price)

"Sorry sir,but I hardly have two tickets remaining with me"said Vinay hastily

"Just do something Vinay we atleast need 2 more do something men" said Ashish being tenses

But he was unable to convince Vinay as he had already solded the Ticket at last they got only 2 tickets the whole bunk bed on the train

"Let it be Ashish,atleast we got 2, get that" said advik

He nodded and took the tickets from Vinay

After major time, the train arrived before time, they scramble on the train after the cleaning process took, advik looked for the seats as he had tickets in his hand, they were thanked to get the bunk bed. They kept the luggage and later two bag were hold by girls

They took their seats, as the front seats were empty, surbhi and advik sat there.



As soon we settled, we grab our seats, chats gathered around the corner. I asked them about dinner
Everyone nodded in there response

while the other side of view from the window a soothing air was ooling and making various sounds as the soft breeze hitted my face and the my mini hairs captured it, making me tuck the hair strands behind.

It feels so good right! But l was feeling a steal gaze on me, but it wasnt making me insecure but it was warm.

"What is for the dinner" asked advik keeping his hand in his empty appetite

He looked cute, with his hands on his appetite and pouty face! ~ shut up! My ass brain, don't thing anything like that

"Advi has rustle up some thepla Aloo sabji,chass acchar(pickle) and l have taken all the raw or sukha nasta for having in train, anything l am forgetting advi." Surbhi passed a sheepishly smile

"I guess you are,l have also prepared some sweets atleast have a taste of it" l said opening the lids of boxes and other containers and pased the box of sweets to advik...

"Is it good?" l asked advik as he took the first bite

Mm, as he was munching the sweets. I crossed my finger hoping it's good!, I don't knkw why but his answer did affect me, it was good or bad but it affect me

He was not giving response keeping his eyes close as l was scared is it have turned good or bad

"Hmmm..hmmmm...it is ve-----ry deli-ci--ous said advik" stuffing more sweets in his mouth..which was sooner snatched by Ashish

I dony know why but, his words made some sought if havoc inside my tummy and a new feeling of uneasiness gmtook in my chest, but it felt good, advik a crush? Nah you ain't a teenager advi!

"Spechless" said asshish while having sweets

I started serving them in there plastic plates,which was flying over and over till then advik catched it placed in front of me and actioned me to serve

"Please give responses if it has turned good or bad but honest ones" I Saud with asmile

"Advi it's good yarr,you should take part in cooking series you will surely win....HAINA ADVIK" said Ashish heading for a response from advik but he glared in return and looked into my eyes

Does he have fe---
How can he, stop your fictional brain here

"It is damn good it tastes like l have ordered from my favorite restaurant " he Said with a smile and that made me smile as l looked at his dimple

I wanted to touch that-

***he liked itttt hayyeyyeye, will make much for him*** I said hitting myself

While chit chatting l came to know some unknowing facts about advik

"Hmm..BTW congrats advik,you are going to become the next leading ceo of patel group and industries" Said surbhi while munching

"Congratulations advik" giving assuring smile to him,he responded smiling back with his cute dimple

**He smiled so genuine, why to keep jerk face all the time***

After having dinner we started talking i don't know when but sleep took over me



She was giggling thinking something she was looking cute,as sunlight was splashing on her while making her skin glow,when she catched me watching her she was shock for second and other second she was thinking deeply again but why l am worring about her..who is she??

Advi passed me the box of sweet l took the bite of it, it landed on my taste buds making all my five senses worth of it. I took another piece of it ,it was tasting same as my mom cooks...she has some magic in her hands..




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