Hello, I Love You (Chapter Six)

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I was so elated throughout my next classes. Arden was in one of them, and he still insisted on asking me several ridiculous questions. I answered every single one truthfully and without hesitation.

Rena, however, had noticed I was getting close to a boy. Instead of how she would've normally reacted - bouncing with joy for me - she surprisingly left me alone while I was with Arden. She had glanced over her shoulder every few seconds during first period with a grimace on her face.

By lunch, I was practically dancing to the cafeteria, about to burst with contentment. Plan B was completely lost in my mind, forgotten in the abyss of thoughts of Arden.

"Hey," Sanla greeted, gesturing for me to sit with her.

"One second." I maneuvered into the midst of the steadily increasing lunch line; everyone was too involved in their conversations to notice.

I gingerly handed my money to the elderly lunch lady and requested what main meal I wished to eat. She splattered the fresh ravioli on my plate and ushered me on. I sighed and snatched a chocolate milk carton, twisting to face Sanla's table... but something soaked the front of my shirt.

"I'm so sorry!" Brittany squealed, yet she looked far from apologetic. She was smirking slightly, as if this was planned... which it probably was.

"Watch where you're going," I snapped, seizing numerous napkins. A few bystanders giggled at my waterlogged shirt, but no one offered their condolences.

"Brittany!" Sanla clambered up from her seat and scurried towards us. "You should watch where you're going," she scolded, basically repeating my words, as she snatched some more napkins.

Behind Sanla's back, Brittany glared at me fiercely before rushing to sit at their table. Our table's regulars - Sanla, her three worshipers, and me - were isolated from the rest of the cafeteria, which was how I liked it.

I thanked Sanla and excused myself to finish cleaning up my wet shirt in the bathroom. Luckily, I had worn a tank top underneath my shirt, which aided in disguising the large blemish in the center of it.

Sighing, my contentment deflated and all my emotions leaned towards getting revenge on Brittany. I had forgotten Plan B until now, and now it was definitely in action... but then there was Arden. He was starting to grow on me, and I think I liked him. A little. I'd have to decide about Plan B.

Flinging open the restroom door, I stomped down the steps, seething. Why was every decision I made this difficult? I halted in my tracks and took a few deep breaths to calm myself; there was no need to acquire a temper like Dylan.

I sauntered over to the beige lunch table and plopped down beside Sanla. As soon as Sanla focused her attention elsewhere, Brittany and I had a stare down, glaring intensely at one another.

"Hey Cora," Sanla said, turning towards me. "How has your life been?" She winked at me, obviously implying yesterday's lunch with Arden. I shook my head, and motioned for her to drop the subject.

'Tell me later?' she mouthed. I hesitated slightly, but nodded. She didn't need to know the full story...

Brittany was raging across the table, infuriated that Sanla was paying attention to me, and not her. If she didn't praise the ground Sanla walked on, I could imagine Brittany attempting to strangle me right now.

Across the cafeteria, I distinguished Arden and Josh huddled together, chatting animatedly. They glimpsed at our table every few seconds, and I frowned. Something was definitely up. But that reminded me... Rena eavesdropped on their conversation yesterday after school!

Suddenly, I was excited to talk to Rena in the hall before next period. She must have forgotten to tell me their conversation this morning, but that was so unlike her. Something peculiar was going on, no doubt.

"Are you going to the movies Saturday?" Sanla inquired, brushing a few crumbs off the table.

My mind went blank for a moment, and Brittany answered, "She probably wasn't invited."

"I was, too!" I objected, recalling Dylan's request. "Dylan invited me."

Brittany rolled her eyes, and nibbled at a small piece of lettuce, like she'd gain ten pounds from it. I smirked at her; how pathetic.

"Great!" Sanla beamed and clasped her hands together, continuing her conversation with her other cronies, Melanie and Taryn.

"See you there," Brittany commented angrily.

"You sure will," I replied, simpering. Maybe Arden could come, too... Yes, that would work.

The bell rang, signaling the commencement of our lunch period. I hurriedly tossed my food in the yellow trash can, bid farewell to Sanla, and scampered out into the hall by my locker. Rena should arrive any moment. I tapped my foot impatiently.

"Hey!" Rena called as she bounded down the stairwell, skidding to a stop at my side.

"I've got an important question," I told her, jumping to the point. She cocked her head to the right, as if saying, 'Yes?'

I laughed at her reaction, and inquired, "What were Josh and Arden talking about yesterday?"

"What?" she questioned, confused.

"On the school steps..."

"Oh!" Rena recalled, nodding her head. She frowned and quickly retorted, "Um, I don't know..."

Her face heated up, forcing her burgundy waves to appear darker. I've been her friend long enough to know she was lying.

"Rena, you're lying. Tell me," I demanded, staring her straight in the eyes.

"They were, uh, discussing a girl..." she trailed off, biting her bottom lip. Maybe this would explain Josh's non-attractiveness towards me, even though I casted the spell on him.

"And?" I pressed anxiously.

"Well, one of them - Josh - really liked this girl. So he told Arden to pretend to like her, since he's a decent actor, and then break her heart." Rena inhaled deeply. "That way, the girl would be heartbroken, Josh would comfort her, and they'd probably have a chance together."

At these words, my heart swelled up. I dropped my head and bit back my tears. "What was the girl's name?" I uttered, almost inaudibly, even though I knew the answer.

Rena whispered, "Cora."

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