Hello, I Love You (Chapter Seven)

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Just as I had predicted, Cory Stanley was flirting with two giggling girls as I meandered into history class. He told a joke I couldn't hear, and they laughed exaggeratedly, flipping their blonde ponytails over their shoulders. Move aside, girls, here comes Cora McAllister.

"Hey Cory," I greeted, batting my eyelashes slightly. I wasn't used to flirting; it had never appealed to me, but I might as well start now.

"Hi..." he trailed off, obviously confused. Cory knew that Dylan was my best friend and we both were not big fans of his ways. How ironic that seemed now, as I was almost following in his footsteps.

Now I was stuck. What was I supposed to say next? I had to hold some sort of a conversation to keep eye contact for at least ten seconds. He ignored me and persisted in chatting animatedly with the two girls. Think, Cora, think.

"So, Cory, are you going to the movies this Saturday?" I inquired, twirling a stray, curly strand of my brown hair around my finger.

"Uh, yeah," he replied absentmindedly, not even glancing in my direction.

I sighed, relinquishing my efforts for now, and plopped down in the desk behind Cory. I could ask him for a pencil so our eyes could lock; it was easier than attempting to distract him from those girls.

Yesterday, after Rena had reluctantly confided in me the conversation she had heard between Josh and Arden, I sprinted to the restrooms. Tears had brimmed in my hazel eyes, and I wiped them with the back of my hand. I hadn't fallen hard for Arden, but it still hurt. Even when a small part of your heart chips, your emotions pour over, and your instincts kick in. I suppose that leaves me where I am now.

Rena had known I needed to be alone, so she had left me by myself in the girl's bathroom. At that moment, I couldn't be any more grateful. I despised when people saw me cry; it made me feel vulnerable and childish.

Shortly after, I had faked a stomachache and an aggravated Mrs. Reynolds arrived to pick me up a half hour later. Irritated was an understatement, actually. I don't know what was her problem, I had probably interrupted her hourly meditation session.

I smirked a little at the thought now, as I squirmed in my seat. Class had begun, but my mind was focused elsewhere: on yesterday's events. Nothing exciting had happened after Mrs. Reynolds brought me home; I just remained cooped up in the guest room until morning. I had been too depressed to face anyone.

An important decision had been confirmed that night, though. I would no longer make these people fall in love with me for Brittany's sake. I admit, that was still part of the reason, but not a large one.

This was vengeance on Arden. I couldn't let him win this battle of hearts. He could go around and toss away every itch of a feeling he'd encounter, but I wouldn't. I would actually give all of these boys some sort of chance with me.

With that last decision in my mind, I bravely tapped Cory lightly on the shoulder. "May I borrow a pencil?" I questioned as our gazes met.

Here goes nothing.

Cory nodded grimly, and flipped a pencil towards me. Our eyes met, and I braced myself for the worst. One... two... three...

Oddly, I was a tad anxious to see if he'd act the same way Josh had. Would Cory immediately focus all his attention on me? Four... five... six...

Or would he organize a type of ugly scheme, like Josh had? If Cory did that, I don't think I'd be able to bear it. Being used by someone you trusted, maybe even liked, was awful. And it wasn't as if what Josh had done was any better. Seven... eight... nine...

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