Hello, I Love You (Chapter Two)

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"Cora, are you alright?" a smooth, singsong voice asked. Glimpsing upwards, I distinguished Rena's frizzy, burgundy waves. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I'm f-fine," I stuttered unconvincingly, shivering slightly. After I had realized what I'd done to Josh Walter, I had hightailed out of the hallway and into first period history. Strangely, I couldn't recall whether or not Josh and I had any classes together. Jocks weren't high on my priority list as to who I became friends with.

"Do you know why Dylan was angry? He seemed pretty pissed off this morning," Rena commented nonchalantly, internally begging for the full story. Rena Johnson was the perfect go-to person if you wanted the latest gossip, but she could keep if she chose to. Which wasn't very often, unfortunately.

"I don't know," I whispered, shrugging. "You know his temper." Rena nodded, dropping the subject, and agreeing with me. Dylan had the tendency to be a slight hothead at times, and everyone knew it. When he was in those moods, it was best to stay clear of him. But Dylan's loyalty gave him an honest persona, which is what I admired about him.

Concerns of Josh whirled around in my mind, creating practically impossible dilemmas that I still considered to happen. During my hectic brainwaves, Miss Collohan, the history instructor, began continuing our lesson from Thursday.

Class droned on for what seemed like hours as I rapped my crimson nails on my desk nonstop. I refused to look up - in case the Josh Walter incident decided to duplicate itself - and pretended to take notes in my notebook. When the bell finally reverberated throughout the school, I collected my missing work from Miss Collohan and turned to rush out the door.

"Wait, class." Miss Collohan situated a hand on her hip. "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do." There were a few groans and murmurs of "Then why do we have a bell?"

Furious, I twisted to glare at Miss Collohan from the doorway. 'She would keep us back the day I'm anxious to leave,' I thought, sneering.

Another boy was simpering at her from across the room, and I blushed. His blonde hair was swooped to the right, and his warm, gray eyes burned into mine. As Miss Collohan assigned ten questions for tomorrow, my ever-present internal counter chimed: Seven... Eight... Nine...

I snapped back to reality just in time and squeezed my eyes shut, clenching my fists. Did I close them in time? New worries clogged my mind as Miss Collohan dismissed us. I practically flew out of the classroom, eager to get away and ignoring Rena's shouts of "Cora, wait up!"

I kept my head down, praying that I wouldn't bump into anyone and that no one would stop me. Unfortunately, I wasn't that lucky.

"Sorry!" I cried as I collided into a solid body before me. I tumbled to the ground, arms flailing, and pain shot up my back.

A figure hovered over me, sticking out a helping hand. I reached up to seize it, but I recognized the spiky black hair and green eyes from this morning. I rolled onto my side and clambered up myself.

"Thanks, Josh, but no thanks," I snapped a little too harshly. I silently pleaded for him to leave. But, of course, he wouldn't. He was forever in love with me, and it was all my fault. Guilt coursed my veins and I turned to apologize, but Josh wasn't there.

"Strange," I commented to no one in particular. I really had to stop talking to myself. Up ahead, I spotted Josh chatting animatedly with the blonde boy from history class.

Shaking my head pathetically, I snatched up all my books off the floor and shoved them into my locker downstairs in a rush.

It was only three days after I turned thirteen, and I had already accidently cast the spell on one, maybe two boys. Not to mention, Dylan was furious with me, and Rena knew something was up. Great... just great. This was why I distanced myself from people before fifth grade: so they couldn't judge me. In fifth grade, Rena became my friend and encouraged me to be more social.

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