Chapter 1: Memories

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[Six's POV, right after Little Nightmares 2]

I let go. Before I could even fully realize it, Mono slowly fell out of view. And his face... it looked so... hurt. So abandoned. I couldn't even see it for too long before it faded out of existence. 

Why did I let go?  

The thoughts in my head exploded, each with their own question. 

Why would you leave him? 

After everything we'd been through, the hunter, the hospital, the... the Thin Man. That's why she'd let go. His face... he was the Thin Man. I didn't know how to process it, or if I even should've, but it was enough to slip my hand out of Mono's, letting him fall to... I didn't even know what. But I knew it wasn't good, and I knew he didn't deserve whatever was down there.

 I felt so stupid; how could I let him go based on some dumb theory? So what if he looked like the Thin Man? That doesn't mean he is or... gosh what did I do? My eyes began to water more and more with each thought, memories of our time together flashing before my eyes. The time we met, when he comforted me... and I let him down.

People like me are the reason he wore that bag in the first place. He takes it off and what do I do? I fucking throw him off a ledge into who knows what? I never even got to tell him how... handsome he looked. That messy black hair, his beautiful dark eyes... and now he's gone. I didn't even get to say thank you for all the times he saved me, or the times he comforted me so I could sleep. 

A piece of debris fell beside me and knocked me back into reality. The world around me crumbled, the fleshy walls closing in on me. My mind kept racing as my body took control and dragged me to my feet. I don't even know where it was taking me, I just stumbled forward and hoped I'd end up away from whatever was coming after me. 

But my mind kept focusing on what I had done, what I did to the one person who cared about me. At least the only one who's still alive. Who... was still alive. Now I was truly alone. Alone to face whatever I was walking into. 

I'm so sorry Mono. 

Whatever happens to him now, it's all my fault. 

I'm so sorry.

[Mono's POV, 20 years after Little Nightmares 2]

Falling. The one feeling that'd stuck with me all these years. All I could remember at this point was the feeling of falling. I had felt things like anger years ago, betrayal, loneliness... now I don't though. I don't feel anything. All I've been thinking about is that moment... just replaying it in my mind a hundred times. 

She just... let go. 

I still didn't get why, after all, all I ever did was be there for her and help her. If only... I hadn't taken off my bag, she'd have never seen my face and maybe I'd... still be with her. My mind filled with hatred, with thoughts of what I wanted to do to her. And I knew I'd soon get the chance.

Staying in this place for 20 years gave me some knowledge about everything. I'm part of some stupid time loop, where I become the Thin Man and chase after Six and... myself. The Thin Man failed last time, but I was counting on making things different. I had to save myself, the young Mono who still had feelings for his traitor. 

Gosh how stupid I was back then. I trusted Six more than anything, and I loved her with everything I had. Love... that was such a disgusting word. Something I hadn't felt in ages, and I was glad. It made me weak, it made me... into this. 

Does love even exist anymore in this world?

I may have let love ruin me before, but not anymore. Those days were long gone, and I was determined to make sure the next Mono wouldn't let it ruin him too. I couldn't let him go through a single second of this pain.

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