Chapter 7: Who We Are

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[Mono's POV]

Six told me once that guilt can make you do stupid things. That's why she tried to avoid doing things that she could regret in the future. I guess she didn't really listen to her own ideology there when she left me behind. Maybe she didn't think she'd ever regret it. If I wanted to prove her wrong about that, I needed to be smart. But like I said, guilt can make you do stupid things. And I felt guilty like hell after killing Seven.

Or... was he dead? At the very far end of the room in the corner, I could see his limp body laying on the wooden floor, but his chest still slowly pulsed like he was breathing. However, even if he was alive, my next move should've been to run out of there while I still could, as the Janitor finished off whatever was left of Seven. So even while thinking about all of this, I'm still confused why I didn't, and as the Janitor began to charge at Seven again, I proved Six's theory. Guilt sucks.

"HEY! OVER HERE!" I yelled out at the creature, stopping him in his tracks before he turned to me. I quickly jumped off the cabinet, rolling onto the ground as the Janitor charged at the cabinet and sent it crashing down. I still had no idea what I was doing or what my goal was, but right now I had to get it away from Seven.

I decided my best bet was to run back into the hallway/bridge me and Seven had just come from. It was way more open and would keep Seven safe, at least I hoped. I sprinted into the hallway, making sure the Janitor was following me. He was, faster than I expected though. I barely jumped out of the way before the Janitor rushed right past me, mere centimeters away from hitting me. It stopped again, before perching its head up trying to hear any other sounds I'd make.

I needed time to think of my next move. I stood still, trying desperately not to make a sound while I conjured up any possible ideas in my head. I slowly stepped back since the Janitor was a bit too close for comfort, meanwhile he sniffed around for me like some sort of guard dog. I felt behind me for a wall to lean against, eventually brushing against one of the posts that supported the bridge we were on.

The guests that were below us were gone now, but if anything that made me more nervous. They could be anywhere now, and not knowing where they were made me feel uneasy, even though they probably posed no threat to me right now. I took one more step back to fully stand against the post, but the wood floor below me creaked, and I froze. Surprisingly however, the Janitor didn't charge toward me, it just looked in my way, slowly getting closer and closer until his rotten breath was up against my face.

I felt the air rush past my paper bag as the Janitor took a long deep sniff, probably seconds from figuring out I was right in front of him. I had approximately 4 seconds to figure something out. I had to make lots of decisions like this before, Six would often say I was great at thinking under pressure. I hope she was right, despite how much I'd hate her being right about something. She usually was though.


"CLOSE THE DOOR!" I screamed as the girl ran up beside me and pushed the door until it clicked in place. Mere seconds after we did that, the Hunter began to bang against the door with his shotgun, cracks appearing each time. The girl tugged at my shirt, pointing to another shotgun perched on a wall. She was still extremely shy and had said like two words to me so far, but together we had been able to escape the Hunter as of now. If it didn't end now.

The girl lowered her hands as I jumped onto them, before she threw me up so I could grab onto the gun's handle. She jumped and grabbed onto my legs, pulling the gun down with us. "It might not have any ammo!" I told her paranoid. She pointed at a latch in the holster, before saying the words, "No, it's full." I don't know what she meant when she showed me the latch, but maybe it somehow showed her there was indeed ammo inside. I don't even know how she'd know that, but I had to take her word for it, since the door was just seconds away from busting open.

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