Chapter 3: Waking Up

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[Raincoat Girl's POV]

My whole body felt sore and stiff, every single inch of it feeling like it had been hit with a speeding train. The world around me was covered in darkness; or no wait my eyes were just closed. I wanted to open them, but it took so much energy to even try. I could hear waves around me, and the occasional scurrying of an animal somewhere. I felt so weak and nauseous, my head spinning at 100 miles per hour. My lungs hurt, actually everything in my body hurt, but my lungs were the first thing I noticed. I noticed the pain before I even realized.... 

I'm alive? 

I focused on everything I felt, wet mud under me, small waves reaching into the shore and tickling my feet and legs. It all felt so real. 

I was still alive. 

And then finally, I opened my eyes. The bright sun instantly hit me like a bullet, making me squint and reach out my hands to block it. Not soon after I did that, I gagged, and instantly I turned my body over and threw up all the water I had breathed in earlier. My throat stung, and I flopped back onto the mud from exhaustion. 

I focused on taking deep breaths, trying to refill my lungs with oxygen. Closing my eyes again, I waited for the nausea to subside as I tried to recall the events that had happened before. The Pretender had really done a number on me, my arms and chest filled with bloody scratches. My clothes were also all torn up, and my raincoat....

Oh shit my raincoat. 

I lost it in the river when that monster ripped it off of me. Part of me felt emotional, knowing that that raincoat was one of the first things I could remember wearing ever since I... woke up for the first time. I remembered the house I awakened in, the messy bed and the broken down walls. It felt... familiar to me in some sense, but I'd never seen it before. In fact, I'd never seen anything before that. It was like I suddenly spawned into this world already 9 years into my life. It confused me, but then again, everything confused me in this messed up world. 

I had met other children like me after that, all of which didn't remember anything about their past. But this world was great at taking away people I cared about, as each of those kids... I didn't want to think about it. It would only cause me more pain than I'm already in. But even after finding others and surviving for years with them, Six felt... different. I felt like I already knew her, yet none of us recognized each other. 

She had a... unique view on everything, believing that her survival was more important than anything or anyone else's. I didn't always agree with her ideologies, hell I even felt bad for the Pretender at first, but we got along well. I'm not sure why she helped me, but I like to think maybe I grew on her a bit. Like how she grew on me. And now... I have no idea where she even is, or if I'd ever see her again. 

A stray tear ran down my cheek. I hated losing people, learning to work together and even be friends just to lose them to another forsaken creature in this world. And Six was sadly the latest of those people, although I guess technically I was the one who got lost this time. I felt a bit of relief knowing she was still alive out there, but that relief quickly faded away as I thought about where I had left her. That dreadful mansion on the cliff, filled with terrible monsters and possibly no way out. 

I hope she's okay.

I spent a long time just laying there on the shore, reminiscing about everything I'd gone through. I remembered when I first met Six, how scared yet emotionless she felt. When I opened the cage she was locked in, she just ran right past me. Yet after each time we stumbled open each other, we got to know each other a bit, and I'd like to say maybe I became her friend. I mean, she did try to save me before I fell off the cliff. But I guess those times were over now. I was alone.

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