Chapter 2: Escape

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(Just wanna make sure yall know Little Nightmares 2 is a prequel to Little Nightmares 1, so when I say smthn is taking place around Little Nightmares 1, it's after Little Nightmares 2 as well. There's also some stuff from the comics here such as the Ferry Man, but you don't have to read them or anything, just letting yall know)

[Six's POV, right after Little Nightmares 1]

Being trapped inside the Maw, I hadn't seen the sun in what felt like ages. I didn't like it, it felt way too bright. But it was either get used to it or go back down the long stairs I just climbed, back inside the Maw. I quickly chose the first option. I sat down, trying to make myself comfortable until I figured out how to get to land. I didn't even know what I'd do then.

Everything felt kind of pointless, I guess I've been feeling that way since I abandoned Mono. Gosh that feels so long ago, yet it was probably like a year or so. Sometimes I wish I never left him, but maybe it was for the best. It would've been better for him to never see me... like this.

I replayed everything in my head, from escaping the crumbling signal tower to meeting the Ferry Man. I closed my eyes. Pictures of Mono and the Raincoat Girl popped in my mind. The only real friends I had... until they both met a terrible fate. I sometimes dream about ways I could've saved them, maybe then they would've stopped me from doing the things I did. But it was too late. I was practically a monster already, possessing powers I couldn't even begin to understand. But maybe with them, I can figure out a way to fix this, to stop... my dark self from fully taking control.

I remembered the time "it" first appeared, after I escaped the signal tower through a TV. I don't know how it came to be, but it's been a real pain ever since. It made me do things I never would've done. I thought about those things, travelling to the Maw with the Ferry Man in the first place, eating... that kid. That thought always made me feel horrible. 

I pictured the poor nome in my head, offering me a sausage to ease my hunger pain. Pain that only existed when my dark self appeared. It made me do terrible things. But it also gave me a weird ability. I was able to gain the memories and the abilities of the things I ate. I still remember my thought process when I ate the nome. 

Maybe I can gain his memories of the place to figure out my way around it. 

It seemed smart enough, if only I knew it was a kid like me. Sometimes I wish I just took that damn sausage, but at the same time, the kid's memories helped me find the Lady and kill her. Eat her neck off to be exact. I felt disgusted, but I could barely control myself when I was having those hunger pains. I felt darker than I already was before the Lady. I gained her abilities and memories, and they put a sense of unease on me. But I had to learn how to use it; maybe then I can get out of here.

I figured I had had enough rest and decided to get up and look around. There had to be something here I could use to get back to land. It felt so odd being on the tiny part of the Maw sticking out of the water, considering how huge the rest of it was. I hated being down there; everything about that place made me feel sick. I guess I wasn't completely out of it yet though. But just being able to breathe the outside air and not be surrounded by walls made me feel a bit better. 

I was so stuck in my memories about the place until I tripped over something. A wooden paddle. I got back up and noticed that I scratched my knee. 


I walked over to the water and splashed some onto my injury, washing away the blood. It stung quite a bit, which made me wince in pain, but I was hoping it'd help a bit. I walked back to the wooden paddle, picking it up and examining it intently. 

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