Back Home! Pt:24

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Matt and I were finally on the last day of our Honeymoon, he was not that happy about it. He wanted it to last longer and he almost tried to convince the lady up front to extend our stay but I told her not to.

"Babe I'm not paying another 50 dollars to stay for another day." I pick up some bags and start walking.

"But please I miss our alone time!!" Mat whines

"Baby we will go back home and still do," I say while I rub my thumb on his cheek.

"Yea with 3 other people there," Matt mumbled. I could tell he was mad and I got it, you wouldn't want to share your wife with anyone else but we live with 3 other people how do you expect things to run when you are a triplet and live with two best friends you know? You do have to learn to share somehow! Plus we did it when we dated so we can do it now.

"Look it's okay to be upset but you can't just buy more days. We told everyone we would be back plus you have a YouTube to run with your brothers and your fans have waited a week. Let them have Matt time as well." I say trying to convo him to leave.

"Fine. If you can share me I'll share you too I guess." Matt smiles and then holds my hand as we walk out. We go to the Uber I ordered and head to the airport.

*After plane ride*

I fell asleep on Matt's shoulder during the ride watching Dumb and Dumber with Matt on his phone.

"Hey, sleeping beauty," Matt says as I wake up.

"Hey, how long was I out?" I ask sitting up.

"The whole ride we are about to land right now," Matt says showing me the map.

"Oh shit was I least able to see the ending?" I ask.

"Nope snored right through it!" Matt and I laughed.

"Wow well, at least I've watched it with you at least a hundred times already!" I say as I hear the messages saying we are getting ready to leave the plane.

"Oop that's our cue!" I say taking off my buckle. I get up after Matt as he leaves our isle first and l follow to get our bags.

We leave the walking area of the plane and see Madi and Mia run towards us!

"OMG HI!" I say running to them and dropping my bags.

"HEY, I MISSED YOU!!" Mia yells (like she normally does.)and runs to me hugging me.

"GIRLY YOU FORGOT ME ON THE TRIP!" Madi says hugging all three of us.

"What about me Madi I've known you longer.." Matt says putting a sad face on.

"Oh. Uh, I didn't forget you hehe.." Madi says walking to Matt and hugging him too.

"MATTY" Chris runs towards Matt moving Madi out of the hug and hugs him.

"Madi get out of the way!!" Chris yells.

"Damn fine, I didn't want to hug Matt any way I came for Y/n." Madi moves towards and I hug her separately.

"Man, I missed all of you so much! Wait someone is missing.. wait where Nick?" I ask.

"YOU BITCHES LEFT ME AT THE GIFT STORE!" Nick yells carrying bags filled with random stuff.

"Oh yea see um we saw Y/n and Matt and sort of ran," Mia said.

"BESTIE!! YOU LEFT ME ALONE WITH CHRIS! FOR A FULL WEEK!" Nick yells at me and then hugs me.

"Well, you had Mia?" I say.

"That's not enough. She still has school unlike you who like passes all of the classes. Little Einstein over here." Nick says.

"Hey Nick I'm also back just saying you know your TRIPLET BROTHER!" Matt yells trying to get Nick's attention.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about my other triplet! Hi Matt! Thank you for giving her back to us in one piece. We will be keeping her now." Nick drags me over to sit down and talks about everything I missed the past week.

Matt texts me:

This is what I was talking about!! We just got off the plane and now they are stealing you away!!

I see my phone to read it. Damnit! I didn't mean to they just miss me. I don't want to be rude and say I don't want to talk I just want to spend time with Matt.

"Hey Nick um me and Matt still have to unpack can we talk about this at the house?" I say trying to get out of the convo.

"Oh shit I forgot that we are still at the airport. Yea totally!" Nick gets up gets some bags from the floor and starts walking.

*At the house in LA*

"Ok Y/n I have to tell you about what happened with Chris-" Nick says but I cut him off.

"Wait I still need to unpack remember?" I say dropping my stuff in Matt and I's room.

"Oh yeah, I forgot I'll help you!" Nick suggests but Matt has a face that says otherwise.

"Um no we're good!"Magg steps in.

"Uh, are you sure?" Nick says.

"Yeah totally!" Matt wants him out. But I know why. I get it we just got home and now we are surrounded by people who all want to talk about this and that it can be a little heck tick.

"Finally he's out." Matt jumps down to lay on the bed.

"Was it too loud for you?" I ask rubbing his head as I sit near him.

"Yeah, I just want to lay in bed with you. Is that so much to ask of people?? Like I just want to be near my wife and now everyone is stealing you away!!" Matt says annoyed.

"Aww, you are so cute when you're annoyed." I kiss his forehead. Then he laughs. He grabs my waist and throws me on the bed and we both laugh.

"I love you y/n," Matt says as he plays with my hair.

"I love you, Matt." 


Author Tim!!e: Heyyy sorry I was out for Columbus Day/ Indigenous people day! I'm normally going to be out national holidays not Halloween bc that's my fav holiday and plus I have a SUPER DOPE chapter for you guys for that so don't worry!! But yea and so that's all for news and stuff hope you all have a wonderful full day/night please eat,drink and sleep well I love y'all byeeee bestieess oh and thank you all for all the votes for the chapter it means so much to me love you guys 🫶🫶🫶

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