Chapter one: Mom?

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Cesar pov

I had been talking to my friend,  Mark, telling him about how i was taking my mom to the hospital (since she had passed out) when i heard whispers coming from the back seat, where my mom was. She was acting…… strange.. to say the least. I pulled over to the side of the road and went to my moms door and opened it so i could make sure she was okay, but when i did a shadow attacked me……or what i thought was a shadow. After recovering from my 2 seconds of shock, i jumped up and looked around for what had attacked me.  When i turned around, i saw [what i assume was] an alternate. It looked like a walking shadow just about while still looking like my mother. The whispers started up again, and the alternate tried to attack me, and i ended up dodging the attack and running through the woods to get away. Hopefully, i can get out of here…..

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It had been like an hour, and i think i finally lost the alternate…….. now the only thing i need to do is get out of the woods b4 i run into it again…….

No one pov

Cesar continued to stumble through the woods until he finally found an opening out of the woods. He looked outside,  into the clearing to see Mark's house. Cesar knows his friend had social problems, so he wanted to stay a little secluded, so nothing too major that happened in town affected him. Unfortunately, he was a bit too close to town because he's involved with alternates too….

Anyways,  back to Cesar

Cesar salad pov

Now that i think about it, if my mom got turned into an alternate, doesn't that mean one was IN the house when i left?! Fuck! I have to see if he's alright!

*when he opens the front door*

I open the door only to be met with the familiar glitching voice of an alternate. "Le-le-let me innnn Markkkkk. I have a gift for you-you. I have a supriseeeee" the alternate said, while also somehow whispering,"nothing is worth the risk. Since i dont have anything on me and the voice is coming from upstairs, i should be able to get something to protect myself with and hopefully stun it while i grab Mark. I sneak into the kitchen and i didnt see anything on the counters that would be useful so i went and started looking for any type of weapon (gun,knife,etc.) Mark had always been one to prepare for stuff like this, i guess it wasnt necessarily a bad thing considering the situation. I ended up not finding a gun and just grabbed the biggest knife i could find and brought it with me. I originally wanted to bring a frying pan, but i figured it wouldn't do much, so i left it alone. Ok. It's time to go upstairs and fight this thing.

And i hope it doesn't mess up the suit. It was good money.

Mark Pov

Praying is doing nothing. I've already called the police (multiple times at that), and im pretty sure they're not coming, and i dont know if Cesar and his mother are dead or not…..JUST.GREAT. wait- i realized…..the thing stopped talking… Is it finally leaving me alone? No… it wouldn't give up that easy. I then heard shuffling from downstairs. Great. Now im getting robbed in the middle of an alternate attack or someone to help! It's probably the first one, though. I then hear someone coming up the stairs. 'Is this person crazy?! That is suicide! Fuck this im not letting blood get on my hands because someone wanted to play hero. I have to make this quick though,  no need to let the alternate kill us both.

No one POV

Cesar gets almost attacked when Mark's bedroom door slams open, making the alternate sidetracked. "Hurry the fuck up! Not sure who you are but I know that thing wants you dead!", Mark yelled. Cesar than hurriedly sliced the alternates arm and ran into Mark's room, locking it behind him. He (Cesar) then slides down against the door and sits down to catch his breathe. "Cesar?!" Mark exclaimed. "What the fuck are you doing here?! None the less teting to sacrifice yourself?! Are you Mad?!" "Umm…. I dont know if i have MAD but basically my mom kinda turned into an alternate pn the side of the road and chased me into the woods abd then i found your house! And then i noticed an alternate was here so since it kinda would've been my fault for you getting killed, i thought id try to save you!", cesar said. Mark was shocked " Ok, frost, WHAT.THE.FUCK., second of all, dont fucking do that! If I'm surviving then your surviving too." Cesar just nodded his head. "Ok but like, now that we're in your room what are we gonna do now? I mean i we could try to fi-" There was a thump outside. "What was that?!" Mark whisper-yelled. "How am i supposed to know?!" Cesar whisper-yelled back. Suddenly, there was a distorted version of Mrs Torres's voice singing a lullaby. "Well fuck, now we have two of them!" "Yeah thanks for the info Mark very much needed" Cesar rolled his eyes. His eyes landed on the window. "Mark i just realized, why did we not think to just get out through the window, it wouldve actually gotten us out." "Well im sorry that i didnt want to jump out of my 2nd story window and have the possibility of the alternate getting me while I'm immobile. It doesnt matter anyways, the alternate version of your mom looks like its staying outside." Cesar sighed, "i assume youve already tried to contact the police?" "Yeah, multiple times. It just keeps going to the answering machine and then disconnecting." Mark said, frustrated. "Well what do we do now then? If youve forgotten theres a alternate outside your door and outside the window. Both Mark and Cesar look towards the window only to be met with the smiling face of the alternate outside. "Ahhh! What the fuck!" "Cesar…..can alternates break glass…" ".......i dont know…"

Mark and Cesar look at each other, knowing what they were both thinking

'let's hope not'

Both of them decided to just cover up the window and try to forget about the alternate outside the window. It continued to song the lullaby to try and lure them to it. They then went to bed to block out the noise.

The lullaby just kept playing in the background as they slept, unknown to the boys that it was getting closer.


Get ready for the next chapter. Let's just say it's a rollercoaster.

1143 words

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