Chapter 4: Ending #1 ½: Bad Ending [REMAKE]

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Cesar pov

I had woken up due to hearing something inside Mark's closet (I think I might have seen a silhouette, but I just blamed it on the tiredness) that was to the right of where I was. (I was sleeping against the door) i grabbed Mark's gun and slowly started to walk towards the closet, ready to shoot anything if it were to jump out at me. I open the closet to see………..Mark? There, Mark was sleeping in the closet wrapped up in his comforter (not quite sure why it covered his head, but oh well) . But….. Mark was in his bed when i got the gun, i thought…… i turn around to see the window wide open and who i thought was Mark sleeping in bed, without the comforter. 'What……' i thought slightly frightened. 'How can there be 2? That doesn't make any sense. '  i turn back around and look at the sleeping Mark who is in the closet and take part of the blanket off of his head to see what i wish i could unsee.

'???' Pov

In Front of Cesar is his friend Mark.
Mark is not alive.
He never was to begin with.
Cesar hasn't spoken to Mark since before he was on the phone.
He was tricked from the start.
Rest in peace, Mark.

[End of '???' Pov]


"M-Mark? C-come on buddy wake up…… "Mark? Mark, please wake up. Please….."

No one pov

Cesar stares at what he has discovered. He is in shock. How could this happen? Why did it happen? Why is it already rotting? What is going on? Why couldn't he protect him?  He has failed as a friend. He realized that he had to at least try to escape, for Mark, but first he had to make up for what he couldn't do, which was saving his friend. He WILL kill this thing, even if he has to sacrifice himself to do it.

Cesar turns away from the corpse of his friend and looks at where 'Mark' had been sleeping earlier. He wasn't there anymore. Instead, there was an alternate. It smiled at him menacingly. Cesar tightens his grip on the gun and raises it to the Alternates face . Cesar's hands were shaking. He is honestly wondering how he hasn't fallen due to M.A.D. However, he couldn't dwell on that topic. Mark and his mother are both dead. Despite his fear, he WILL avenge them. Whether it be sacrificing himself to kill it or killing it without losing his life, he will risk everything to avenge them.

Cesar pov

‘I can't do this, but I have to.’ I click the safety off the gun and put my finger on the trigger, ready to shoot. I shoot once. Nothing happens. Same with the next 2 shots. The alternate is getting closer, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. If I'm going down, though,  I'm going down fighting, like how Mark would.

No one POV

The alternate is much closer now, almost 3 feet away from him. Cesar continues shooting at the alternate, though he knows it does nothing to harm it. The alternate lunges for Cesar and misses, with its claw hitting Mark's already deceased body. Cesar backs up and is now against the wall, clutching the empty gun to his chest like a lifeline.  The alternate is getting closer, and the only thing he can do is run. 'There is not much space to run or hide,' Cesar thinks. Cesar then remembers the window. He might still be able to run if he jumps out of it. Cesar, without as much as a second thought, jumps out the window. He ends up clutching onto a branch from a nearby tree to break his fall, himself mainly unharmed besides a few scrapes. The Alternate becomes more violent at that. It couldn't let him escape. It leapt out the window and leaped right onto Cesar. Cesar and the alternate both fall to the ground. Cesar is then pinned to the ground by the throat by the alternate. Cesar was running out of air, and he could feel his vision get blurry when the alternate let go of his throat. He scrambled up and looked around, slightly dazed. The alternate then takes a running start towards him. Cesar, during his mental war of using either fight or flight, ends up choosing one that was not listed, that being 'flinch and freeze'. He freezes and just stands there as the alternate attacks him, tackling him to the ground. He is slashed open once, twice, three times. He can feel himself bleeding out as he loses consciousness. He mumbles his last words.

"I tried my best. Are you proud of me? .................

........Mark, Mother"

The alternate watches as its prey takes its final breath. The job is finished. It continues to smile. It never wanted to kill the human, but its nature had overridden its morals. It shall continue to travel through the world unwillingly killing individuals until there are no others left or until Gabriel sees no worth in keeping it any longer and gets rid of it.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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