Chapter 24: A New Kanto

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Chapter 24

A New Kanto


"Dragon Rush!" Kane ordered his Salamence.

We had been fighting for awhile now and we had managed to do quiet some damage on Salamence but our Pokemon were worse. Misty, Liam, and Mia were still battling as well. Asher was probably dealing with multiple people in a tunnel somewhere.

Salamance flew high up to the cave ceiling. He darted down with an incredible speed while radiating with energy. Zoey and I's Pokemon tried jumping out of the way but they were flown back by the impact when Salamence crashed to the ground. They both slammed against the wall.

"Would you like to know what I am using all of these for?" Kane gestured to Mega Ring and Mewtwo's collar.

I growled and glanced at Zoey. Kane went on without an answer.

"The Mega Ring is how I will control Mewtwo and his Mega Evolution. You obviously know why I have the Mega Stones. The collar on his neck keeps him under my control and the only thing allowing him to Mega Evolve. I required the Master Ball parts to make the collar work and it also helped with the Mega Ring. I think I'm done with you two now. Salamence, Dragon Rush once more."

The Flying/Dragon-Type took to the air from his crater that he left from the last Dragon Rush.

He started flying down at our Pokemon again.

"Hex, Ice Beam!" I shouted to my Pokemon.

I hadn't been able to hit Salamence with Ice Beam this entire time. Hex's eyes snapped open and a beam of ice shot out from her mouth. Salamence tried swerving out of the way but his wing was hit and became frozen solid. The frozen wing weighed him down and he immediately dropped to cave floor.

Hex got up and shot Ice Beams at Salamence until his wings and limbs were frozen to the ground.

"You may do the honors." I smirked at Zoey.

"Zebstrika, Discharge!" She called out.

Zebstrika got to his feet and released all the electricity he had at Salamence. Salamence thrashed around, trying to free himself from his icy shackles. He roared in pain as he was electrocuted. He slumped to the ground, beaten.

A smile spread across my lips. I felt relieved. Zoey and I returned our Pokemon. We beat Kane. He did not react the way I expected him to. He started slowly applauding as he saw his Salamence, Krista, and Turner were defeated. He was smiling smugly.

"Well done. Well done indeed." He returned his Pokemon and walked over the computers being protected by the barrier.

"Sir, it is complete!" One of his grunts answered.

The barrier was lifted for a short moment so Kane could over to the machines.

I felt as though as I was frozen to the ground. There was nothing we could do. I glanced to my friends. Liam was gritting his teeth. His battered Krokorok and Cubone stood beside him. Mia helplessly stared at Kane with her Snivy on her shoulder. Misty was glaring ahead at the criminals with both her Staryu and Starmie beside her. I even saw Asher trudging back out of the tunnel with his Weavile and Honchkrow. He looked on in horror with his beaten face.

My gaze went to Zoey. She was looking straight at me. Her eyes were filled with the same helplessness as everyone else.

"Are you ready to witness the birth of a new Kanto, my young friends?" Kane raised his fist in the air to show of the modified Mega Ring.

His yellow eyes were crazed as was his smile. He had the strongest Pokemon at his disposal and he was already drunk on his power.

He clicked a button on the Mega Ring and Mewtwo's eyes flickered open as one of his Mega Stones flashed on his collar. Suddenly, Mewtwo's cage exploded and pieces of metal flew over our heads. I watched them sail across the room and clatter on to the cave floor. I looked back to Mewtwo. He floating over the remnants of his cage. His eyes were glowing blue.

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