Tragedy 16

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As Luniar and Izuru was walking away Izuru looked at her. "What are you going to do now?" He asked her, still walking behind her while keeping a small gap between them both.

"Start this tragedy in full swing of course. . The only thing I can do really. Would you like to join me Izu?" Luniar asked him as she kept her focus in front of her while still acknowledging Izuru behind her.

Izuru looked at her and didn't answer her for a few seconds. "I see no logical reason for me to do so however, I have a feeling it will entertain me greatly if I do." Izuru said to her and then went quiet again.

"Okay? I'm going to assume you are tagging along then. . ." Luniar replied back to his words.

The both of them walked in silence until they got to the other remnants. As they approached the remnants looked at Luniar and gave smiles while seeing her. "Congratulations on graduation everyone." Luniar said to them all.

All of them looked at her and nodded their heads. "Yes and a congratulations to you as well Luniar." Sonia said back to her.

"I have prepared a graduation present for you all. . ." Luniar said then snapped her fingers straight after she was done.

As soon as she did that fourteen men appeared all of them holding brief cases in their hands. When they opened the brief cases the remnants could see some bottles with some syringes in them too. The bottles contained liquid in them.

"Inject people with this and they will become paralyzed. . . They will not be knocked out but they become paralyzed and their entire body will become a nervous system. Use this only if someone refused to fall into despair." Luniar explained to them.

Once again all of them smiled and took the brief case each. Some of them was thanking her for the gift and some like Mikan was hugging it saying she will cherish it for ever. "You can all thank me by not making this boring. . . That would be such a drag. ." Luniar said to them while looking down at the floor.

"Yes, we will not disappoint you and we will make sure this will be entertaining for us all. Right everyone?" Peko asked them all while looking at everyone.

"Of course!" They all replied back to her.

All of them started to walk their own way, going their separate ways to fill the world with despair. As Luniar was walking and Izuru was walking behind her he looked at her and then looked around the place, it will be the last time the city would look like this.

"What is your plan now?" Izuru asked her, while turning his attention towards her again.

"Huh. . . Good question. All I have to do is spread despair around so I do not know where to begin as there are so many things you can do to cause despair. . Not too mention so many places to start too. . . Should I go straight to the government or should I build it up. . ?" Luniar replied to him.

"It matters not what you do I will be observing anyway." Izuru replied to her as they kept on walking.

"Great. . . Your so much help, thank you." Luniar said, using the same emotionless tone as she always does but it was obvious that she was being sarcastic.

That's when Izuru stopped in his tracks and looked at her, Luniar noticing that he did indeed stop and she stopped to look back at him. "I can find you no matter where you go, so you go on ahead there is another place that have cought my attention." Izuru said to her.

Luniar looked at him and noticed that he was walking across the road. She sighed and nodded her head at him. "Very well, I'll see you later then." She said to him.

Before she could even take a step she noticed that Izuru raised a hand while walking as if she was saying bye too her. She looked at it for a second and slightly nodded then made her own way to find somewhere she and Izuru could stay for the long time that is planned.

Meanwhile with Izuru he continued to make his way down the streets and past so many people. He looked at them all as some of them looked at him while passing him. When he got to his destination he stopped right outside the house and looked at the door Infront of him.

"I guess. . . You could say I'm home. . ."

And as soon as I typed that the song "home" popped into my head. *Annoyed huff*

Anyway chapter 16 done! Yay. Hopefully I will be able to end this on any of the tens I don't know why but it seems better when I do that? Again I don't know why.

Also if anyone want to RP Danganronpa 2: Goodbye despair, DM me! I only have Luniar who is obviously for Hajime though!

Anyway thanks a bunch you guys.

Bye for now

To be continued!

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